The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story stars Sylas as its protagonist, and is the latest game joining the ever-expanding world around the popular MOBA. The game plays and looks very different from its inspiration, but is a faithful and enjoyable adaptation that adds a great deal to the story of some of its main characters and the Universe.

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The story begins with the revolution in Demacia led by Sylas and follows his journey afterward, fighting for justice against the Demacians that wronged him, as well as some he betrayed. Avid League of Legends fans will already know how it plays out, but suffice it to say the road to justice is not an easy one. Players will come across plenty of new characters, such as Hesbeth, performing heinous experiments on mages to increase their power against their will, and a fair few characters that will be very familiar to fans.

The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story adds a great deal to the existing lore of the characters and world, so here are some of the main points to watch out for, but be careful of spoilers.

7 Morgana As The Veiled Lady

Morgana in The Mageseeker

Morgana has long been established as a figure of myth and mystique ever since she disappeared from Demacia. Many of the citizens still venerate her as The Veiled One, although choosing to remember her sister as the hero. Her appearance in The Mageseeker marks the first time she has been seen to play an active role in the fate and goings-on in Demacia and surrounding realms.

Almost as a redemption arc for the character, Morgana plays a huge role in the rebellion Sylas leads against the mageseekers, and is finally unmasked after his band has been following the guidance of The Veiled Lady for some time. Seeing her play a more active role in the stories of Runeterra is fantastic for fans, although perhaps not for those she opposes.

6 Sylas' First Mistake

Rayn and Sylas in The Mageseeker

From the lore of League of Legends, fans know that Sylas discovering his power is not an event that went down without consequences. While shielding a young child from the Mageseekers, Sylas accidentally absorbed her power, which shot forth from him killing three people. This child was Rayn, who shows up unexpectedly, early in the story of the game.

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Rayn's father was the first person to be killed in the incident, and is one Sylas looks back on as his first, and possibly his biggest mistake. Now under the misguided mentorship of Wisteria, a high-ranking mageseeker, Rayn intends to do everything she can to make Sylas regret that fateful day.

5 The Truth Behind Demacia's Magical Past

The Mageseeker and Demacian Mages

A revelation that comes towards the end of the story of The Mageseeker is that the motives behind the nominal organization are even more flawed than first thought. While current citizens of the city are fed the lie that Demacia is a haven against magic, the truth behind the founding of the city is that it was a haven for all after the Rune Wars, where magic was dampened but still an integral part of daily life.

As the narrative was twisted by those in power, the mageseekers were formed to outlaw magic and round up mages, forcing those with the power to flee or hide for fear for their lives. As the truth is revealed to Sylas by Morgana, passing on this knowledge to the citizens of Demacia becomes a crucial step in the revolution.

4 Wisteria

Wisteria and Sylas in The Mageseeker

Just one of a few new characters introduced in the new story is Wisteria, but as the final boss of the game, it's hard to argue she isn't the most powerful. As a close childhood friend to Sylas, she turned her back on him when he was imprisoned, and quickly rose through the ranks of the mageseekers, her magic only being strengthened by Hesbeth's experiments.

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While deep down, Wisteria is simply a girl scared of the power she has at her fingertips, she represents the misguided morals of the mageseekers and has a deep-rooted hatred for all mages. She is a very interesting character to bring into the world, and one that would certainly not go amiss in the main League of Legends game.

3 Jarvan IV Is Crowned King

Jarvan IV in The Mageseeker

It may surprise some fans to know that Jarvan has never actually been crowned king in the lore, until now. When his father was killed the day Sylas escaped Demacia, Jarvan did not immediately ascend the throne, and The Mageseeker is the furthest his story has been taken, describing his ascension within the turmoil going on in the city.

His journey to power is not without a hitch, but as the story progresses he does come around to the message the rebels bring, issuing a decree that mages are no longer to be persecuted in Demacia. His love story with Shyvana, another mage from League of Legends featured in the story, plays a big part, but seeing the young king do the right thing is a heartwarming arc in the story.

2 Killian, The Mentor But Mageseeker

Killian and Hesbeth in The Mageseeker

Another key character in the story of Sylas, who has up until now remained nameless, is Killian. As a mentor to Sylas during his time with the mageseekers, they both retain a soft spot for each other despite finding themselves on opposite sides of the conflict. It's almost a shame he doesn't stick around for a larger part of the campaign in the game.

Unfortunately, in one of Sylas meeting with Killian in the story, Killian is afflicted by some of Hesbeth's magic, transforming him into a mindless threat, who Sylas ultimately has to put down. This becomes yet another motivation for him in his crusade against the organization.

1 Lux Finding Her Identity

Lux and Garen in The Mageseeker

Lux in League of Legends is already fairly established in the lore as a protector of the weak, having joined an organization called the Illuminators, a charitable religious order working to help the sick and the poor. In the story of The Mageseeker however, she truly comes into her own, sheltering refugees from the conflict against the Mageseekers, and fighting for what she believes in when it counts.

Hiding out in the ruins of Terebisia, it's here that Sylas and Lux reunite and hash out their differences after Sylas' betrayal. She also finally convinces her brother Garen to do the right thing and join the cause, cementing her identity and story.

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