The Lord of the Rings: Gollum follows Gollum as he recalls what his life was like during his time in Mordor and what happened to him after he left. Without the One Ring to protect him, he came to rely on his own skills to survive, but he still longed for the power the Ring granted him.

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Though he no longer possesses the One Ring, the time he spent with it has now permits him the ability to connect to the unseen realm whenever he needs to. In The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, this ability is known as Gollum Sense, and it is arguably the most useful mechanic in the game.

What Does Gollum Sense Do In The Lord Of The Rings: Gollum?

Using Gollum Sense in The Lord of the Rings: Gollum

When activated, Gollum Sense will engulf all visible areas in shadow while highlighting useful items, places, and NPCs. Not only can this make finding Collectibles a much easier process, but it can also help players avoid running into enemies when they don't want to.

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Collectibles will glow blue when the Gollum Sense ability is active, as will certain environmental objects like doors, levers, and swinging poles; enemies will glow red, while NPCs Gollum can speak with will glow yellow, and hiding spots like tall grass and cages will glow purple.

Using Gollum Sense to find a way forward in The Lord of the Rings: Gollum

As if this ability wasn't already extremely useful, it can also be used to point players in the right direction whenever they get lost or stuck. Upon activating Gollum Sense, players will usually see a collection of swirling orange lines leading away. Following these lines will lead Gollum to where he is meant to go next, allowing him to progress through the area he finds himself in, but since they only appear in certain areas, it can be difficult to spot them sometimes.

If players are struggling to figure out where to go next, they should activate Gollum Sense and explore the area they are in until they can find some orange swirls; then, they should follow where they lead to progress the chapter.

How To Use Gollum Sense In The Lord Of The Rings: Gollum

The Controller Settings menu in The Lord of the Rings: Gollum

Players will mainly need to use Gollum Sense when they are searching for Collectibles, sneaking past enemies, or looking for a way forward. To activate the ability, console players should tap L1, and PC players should press the R key.

Gollum Sense will remain permanently active so long as Gollum is standing still, but once he moves, his vision will return to how it normally is. That said, most of what Gollum Sense can highlight will remain visible for a few moments after the effect has worn off, so players won't always need to re-activate the ability the moment they stop using it.

Even though Gollum Sense is intended to be used when Gollum is stationary, players can feel free to activate the ability while moving to get a quick glimpse of the collectible items and enemies nearby.

The Lord of the Rings: Gollum is available now on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC, with a Nintendo Switch release planned for later this year.

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