The Legend of Zelda series often depicts the battle between good and evil, repeating throughout centuries. Many of the franchise's games, whether they be sequels, remakes, or spin-offs, follow hero Link as he travels the land of Hyrule. Along the way, Link comes across many of the same kinds of enemies, time and time again.

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While some of the enemies that Link faces are specific to one particular game, others make many appearances throughout the Zelda series. In a few cases, these reoccurring enemies can be frustrating for fans to encounter during their adventures. These ten enemies are some of the more miserable ones to fight in the franchise.

10 ReDead

Young Link running past a ReDead in Ocarina of Time

The Zelda franchise contains its fair share of undead enemies, from skeletons that only appear at night to ghosts that lurk in graveyards. However, none of them hold a candle to the ReDead, who first appeared in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. They've garnered a reputation in the franchise for being horrifying in their attacks.

When Link encounters a ReDead, the zombie can petrify the player with a simple gaze. As Link struggles to get free from this frozen state, the ReDead will slowly approach and latch onto Link, slowly draining him of health. It's safe to say that entering a room full of ReDead can be a nightmare for impatient players.

9 Lizalfos

A Lizalfos holding a spear in Breath of the Wild

Lizalfos have made many appearances in the Zelda franchise, from the Nintendo 64's Ocarina of Time to the Wii's Skyward Sword. However, their appearance in Breath of the Wild puts them in competition with other infuriating Zelda enemies. It's hard to tell when you encounter a Lizalfos, as they often blend in with their surroundings.

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Lizalfos appear frequently in Breath of the Wild's open world Hyrule. Not only that, but when they spot Link, they move very quickly and aggressively. Players may not even see Lizalfos approaching until they're being attacked by one. When it comes to electrified Lizalfos, players may need to take short breaks between play sessions.

8 Bubbles

A red Bubble and blue Bubble appearing in The Wind Waker

By their name, you'd expect these creatures to be pleasant encounters, but they are far from it. These floating skulls can be found throughout the Zelda series, surrounded by smoke or flames. In top-down games, they can be easy to disperse with, but in 3D Zelda games, they might pose more of a challenge.

Other than the fact that their movement makes them hard to attack, Bubbles can also inflict players with a curse. When cursed by a Bubble, players may be unable to wield their sword or use other items. This can make Link very vulnerable to all kinds of enemies, posing quite an annoying threat in high-stakes situations.

7 Wizzrobes

A Thunder Wizzrobe appearing in Breath of the Wild

Like Bubbles, the annoying-ness of Wizzrobes can vary from game to game. However, their appearance in Breath of the Wild sets them apart from other floating enemies in the series. Among their typical abilities in the series is teleportation, making them hard to land hits on, whether it be from Link's sword or bow-and-arrow.

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In Breath of the Wild, Wizzrobes can appear in many forms, usually lurking around Sheikah Towers. This can make them quite frustrating to encounter, as they can send Link falling towards the ground, losing climbing progress. Like Lizalfos, Thunder Wizzrobes can also pose a big threat in early parts of the game.

6 Beamos

A Beamos appearing in a dungeon in Skyward Sword

Beamos arguably should be more annoying to deal with based on their characteristics, but they luck out on this list for being few and far between. Usually encountered in temples or dungeons, Beamos statues, when approached, will shoot a deadly laser at Link. They can also turn 360 degrees, making them quite difficult to navigate around.

What really makes Beamos more annoying than other stationary Zelda enemies is the fact that they're indestructible. This means that Link can't attack them in any way, not even with Bombs. They become annoying obstacles that Link has to deal with in dungeons rather than enemies that will reap any kind of rewards for players.

5 Lynel

Link facing off against a Lynel with a massive sword and shield in Breath of the Wild

Lynel is the first enemy on this list who isn't just annoying to encounter, but is straight-up challenging to fight. They appear in many forms throughout the Zelda franchise, but most notably as mini-bosses in Breath of the Wild. Lynels can mostly be avoided by keeping distance, but in one instance, players will have to face them head on.

The Lynel is a mandatory encounter during Link's aid of the Zora in Breath of the Wild. Not only are these centaur-like creatures immune to elemental damage, but they also diminish insane amounts of hearts with every hit. The only way to beat them unscathed is to rely on perfect dodges and shields, which can be tricky to perform.

4 Guardians

A Guardian charging a laser blast in Breath of the Wild

Guardians were introduced in Breath of the Wild, and their remains can be found all throughout Hyrule. Usually, players will see them in ruins, protruding from the ground, and approaching one can net you some Guardian parts. However, approaching one can also activate it, giving it time to charge a deadly laser that can one-shot kill Link.

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While it's probably best to keep distant from stationary Guardians, it can be a challenge to outrun moving ones. These Guardians are still active, roaming Hyrule, and pose much more of a threat than the Guardians that can't move. By the end of the game's story, players may have the necessary equipment to fight them head-on.

3 Wallmaster

A Wallmaster crawling on the ground in Ocarina of Time

Wallmasters are likely one of the creepiest enemies that players can come across in the Zelda series. These disembodied hands remain unseen most of the time, lurking in the shadows of walls. They'll essentially appear out of nowhere, grabbing Link by surprise, dragging him to the beginning of the dungeon.

Defeating a Wallmaster before it grabs Link is a time-sensitive mission. Otherwise, players' progress will be set all the way back, especially when it comes to more difficult-to-navigate dungeons. Thankfully, these enemies don't appear often outside the top-down Zelda games, aside from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.

2 Keese

A Keese flying across water at sunset in Breath of the Wild

Keese earn their high spot on this list for being so frequent in the Zelda franchise. While they're not the worst enemies to encounter in top-down games, they can be a pain to be swarmed by in 3D games like Ocarina of Time or Breath of the Wild. These bat-like creatures are often found only at night, or in dark caves and dungeons.

What makes them so difficult to deal with in 3D Zelda games is their vertical movement. Often, Link is unable to jump or perform moves that send him through the air. This means that Keese can only be attacked with items like the bow-and-arrow, or players will have to patiently wait for Keese to fly down to a low-enough level.

1 Like Like

Link trapped in a Like Like in Ocarina of Time

Like Like are without a doubt the most annoying enemies in any Zelda game, whether it be top-down or 3D. These gelatinous worms often appear during dungeons, and strangely enough don't deal damage to Link. Instead, their effects are much more frustrating for players: they will steal Link's shields.

Having your shield stolen by a Like Like is not always permanent, as the creature will likely spit it out. However, if not defeated fast enough, Link may have to kiss his only source of protection goodbye. When encountering a Like Like, it's best for players to just throw a bomb into its mouth as quickly as possible before moving on.

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