The Legend of Zelda has inspired countless fans around the world. Shigeru Miyamoto wanted to make a game that reminded him of exploring the wilderness as a child, and in return, Zelda fans have explored their creativity thanks to the games. The most recent example of this is an artist creating replica statues of the godess Hylia from The Legend of Zelda.

The Hylia statues differ between Zelda games, with Breath of the Wild's take on the goddess statues being one of ruin and nature taking over. The statues in Breath of the Wild have a functional purpose, and finding a Hylia statue in-game is often very exciting, as it connects the game to the history that bleeds throughout the series. One artist recreated those Hylia statues, and the result is quite remarkable.

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Twitter user @edlothian creates and posts beautiful small statues and dioramas online, with the Zelda series being the main focus. The recently created Hylia statues show off edlothian's artistic skills. They look just like mini versions of the Breath of the Wild statues, including the idea that they are seemingly slowly being taken over by moss and vegetation. The works are created using 3D printing technology.

What is perhaps even more impressive than the individual statues and works are the dioramas that edlothian creates. The Hylia diorama has the statue placed inside an old ravaged temple. It looks real enough that one could easily imagine Link walking up to the goddess statue and collecting more health and or stamina.

Along with the Breath of the Wild creations, edlothian has been recreating the Forest Temple from Ocarina of Time with incredible detail. This includes a Deku Baba with visible slobber dripping from its lips, a Wallmaster that lurks in the corner, and the eerie room in which Phantom Ganon is fought. There is also a video that shows the paintings of the four Poe Sisters. The creations perfectly capture the tone and feel of the creepy, ghostly, and beloved temple.

There are plenty of artists using The Legend of Zelda as a canvas for their creativity, including one who recently made wood carvings of Wind Waker and other games from the franchise. Edlothian's work is a perfect example of someone with genuine skill using Zelda as an inspiration. With the popularity of the series, this also connects edlothian to countless fans who are eager to see what the artistic and creative community comes up with next.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is available on the Nintendo Switch and Wii U.

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