The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 is the highly anticipated sequel to one of the most successful and critically acclaimed games of all time. A brief video teasing Breath of the Wild 2 was showcased in 2019, with E3 2021 cementing the release year to be 2022. This is exciting for fans, as barring any hiccups in development, they won't have too long to wait. Though the release date could be March 2022 mirroring Zelda: Breath of the Wild's release window, it is more likely to be late 2022 with the way the pandemic is affecting game development.

Before the release of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2, fans are being treated to the release of another Legend of Zelda title in the form of a remaster from the Nintendo Wii era, Skyward Sword HD. This remaster is important in the timeline of the Zelda franchise, as it is not only the earliest narrative on the Zelda timeline, but it also tells the origin story of the Master Sword. The Master Sword, also known as the Goddess Sword, is one of the most important and iconic weapons in the series history, having originally been created by the Goddess Hylia. With Skyward Sword HD just around the corner, it may be no surprise as to why Breath of the Wild 2 will be releasing afterward.

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Skyward Sword HD Bridges the Gap of Old Zelda and New Zelda

skyward sword breath wild

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was the last entry in the main series of Zelda games to be featured on a home console, 6 years prior to Breath of the Wild. Skyward Sword was released for the Nintendo Wii in 2011, making its remake fall nearly in line with its 10 year anniversary. Skyward Sword features a blend of old Zelda and new, as many features that were introduced in Skyward Sword were expanded upon in Breath of the Wild. This includes the ability to gather ingredients to upgrade equipment, a stamina system when climbing and running, and a parachute for minor gliding.

Skyward Sword features lots of mechanics from older era Zelda titles, with the heavy focus on narrative being an example. As it is the earliest story to be told in the Zelda timeline, it isn't a surprise that the narrative is treated as such a big deal. Skyward Sword also had a more linear dungeon progression similar to past titles such as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. Where Breath of the Wild could be compared to the more open-world entries such as the original Legend of Zelda and A Link to the PastSkyward Sword HD can be compared to the 3D titles in terms of game progression and themed dungeons. With fans almost unanimously enjoying Breath of the Wild, now is a perfect time to release an HD remaster of Skyward Sword.

Since Skyward Sword HD shares a lot of elements with older Zelda titles and features later seen in Breath of the Wild, being ported to the Switch is a good idea for those who can't wait for the next Zelda game. As Breath of the Wild 2 features Link falling around the sky a lot, it is only fitting that the game to start the free-falling trend releases before the anticipated sequel. Though Skyward Sword was not everyone's favorite Zelda game, mainly due to the mandatory motion controls, the implementation of the optional control scheme ensures that there's no reason for a Zelda fan to miss out on this key adventure.

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Breath of the Wild 2 Time Travel Theory


If there is a story link between Breath of the Wild 2 and Skyward Sword, it only makes sense to release the latter onto the Switch before the sequel. One theory fans have discussed for Breath of the Wild 2 is something to do with time travel. There is some evidence in the trailer for Breath of the Wild 2 that supports this theory, such as Link showcasing a time-rewinding ability towards a moving object. The implication here is that there could be more time-related abilities that haven't been shown yet, as many abilities in Breath of the Wild carried a theme of freezing objects in stasis.

Skyward Sword HD also features a time-disrupting component in the form of Timeshift Stones that created a small temporal disruption field in the Lanaryu Desert. These stones allow Link to interact with ancient machinery from the past, which is similar to the theme of ancient technology in Breath of the Wild. As such, they could make a return in some capacity in Breath of the Wild 2. Link can also be seen going through the bottom of an island, possibly hinting at a new ability. Though it doesn't look to be something that Link can rely on for sky traveling, perhaps the Loftwing from Skyward Sword will make a return to help Link soar through the skies.

Skyward Sword HD May Help Bring Other Zelda Games Forward

Nintendo Switch Legend Of Zelda Phantom Hourglass Spirit Tracks

Looking at all the Zelda games from the past, just about all of them have been brought forward and modernized in some way or another. Even Breath of the Wild was released on Wii U and the Nintendo Switch. The Nintendo Switch, coupled with the 3DS, allows fans to access a large library of Zelda titles from the oldest, to the newest, and some in-between. But now with the 3DS becoming a relic of the past, it is becoming harder for Zelda fans to experience many of the past games. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening has been brought forward twice at this point, and was a major success on the Switch. If Skyward Sword HD follows suit and becomes another success, then it is very possible that more Zelda games will be brought forward onto the Switch.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 is slated to release in 2022, exclusively on the Nintendo Switch.

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