If Nintendo intended for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 to be a huge mystery, then it certainly succeeded. For years, fans have been speculating about all kinds of details about the game, but on the whole, Nintendo has managed to keep fans guessing. Not even the real title of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 is public knowledge; it's often simply referred to as the Breath of the Wild sequel by official materials from Nintendo. Without the power to even call the game by its real name, fans are left to theorize based on what little information Nintendo has shared so far.

Even though Breath of the Wild 2's true title is a mystery, one can guess at what it might be like. As a general rule, Zelda game titles fall into one of two categories. Some of them reference important objects or mechanics at the center of the game's story, like Ocarina of Time and its extended use of time travel. Others emphasize a new character at the heart of the game whose story becomes intertwined with Link's, such as Twilight Princess, where Midna and Link work together for almost the entire game. Breath of the Wild 2's official title will probably refer to either a plot-relevant mechanic or to a major figure in the narrative, meaning the name itself will tell fans a lot about the game's direction.

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Potential Star Mechanics in Breath of the Wild 2

Patents Tease Breath of the Wild 2 Gameplay Features Like Rewinding Time

The various incarnations of Link have come up against a lot of unique mechanics over the course of The Legend of Zelda, from The Wind Waker's titular baton to A Link Between Worlds' passageways between realities. Breath of the Wild 2 could still have some innovations up its sleeve, though. Link's seemingly magical arm in Breath of the Wild 2 seems like the perfect gateway for new mechanics, for instance. It's possible that the force that enchanted Link's arm will become such a central element in the plot that it inspires the game's title. Alternatively, the game's name could refer to whatever new abilities Link gains through the magic in his arm.

Breath of the Wild 2's title could also refer a more simple but no less important mechanic, such as the introduction of new areas in Hyrule. Breath of the Wild 2's E3 2021 trailer showed how Hyrule now features floating islands for Link to investigate, emphasizing that the Breath of the Wild sequel uses the old map of Hyrule, but intends to modify it to keep things fresh. The ways Hyrule changes because of the dark forces lying beneath Hyrule Castle could be the title's focus. Much like how Breath of the Wild's name emphasizes open-world exploration and Link's reliance on the wilderness, Breath of the Wild 2's title could hint at how exploration and resource gathering are changing.

Alternatively, Nintendo might be hiding Breath of the Wild 2's name because it refers to a demanded mechanic that it intends to save as a surprise. For a long time, fans have hoped to play as Zelda in Breath of the Wild 2, now that she's free from Calamity Ganon's grasp. While she may be in new danger in the sequel, which would probably make Link the sole playable character, there's still some hope that Zelda could be playable, too. Breath of the Wild 2 could be named after a new ability to switch between Link and Zelda, somehow noting the two protagonists' differing skills and the importance of teamwork.

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Breath of the Wild 2's Central Characters

Demise at the Sealed Grounds in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

There's lots of mechanics that the game could name itself after, but the narrative could still take priority in naming the game. Fans have spent years speculating about what characters might make unexpected returns in Breath of the Wild 2, and if any of those theories are right, then Nintendo has good cause to hide the title as a means of building suspense. The return of Ganondorf would definitely warrant a reference in the title, for example, especially if Ganondorf gets a redemption arc as fan hypotheses state. The corpse under Hyrule Castle certainly looks like Ganondorf, but his true role in the game remains to be seen.

If Ganondorf turns his back on his selfish past in Breath of the Wild 2, then one wonders if his demonic ancestor Demise will star in the game as well, returning to power and punishing his traitorous heir. Demise returning to life at the start of Breath of the Wild 2 and serving as the game's main antagonist throughout the game would certainly warrant some reference to Demise in Breath of the Wild 2's real title. As the force responsible for so many of Hyrule's woes over millennia, Demise could steal the show by getting a greater presence in the next Zelda game.

Demise isn't the only Skyward Sword character who could impact Breath of the Wild 2's title. If the Master Sword spirit Fi comes back, then the game's title might refer to her, too. Lots of questions about Breath of the Wild 2 have been directed at the significance of the Master Sword, which played a pretty small part in Breath of the Wild. Nevertheless, Zelda mentioning a voice inside the sword and a reference to Fi's iconic sound effects at the Trial of the Sword's conclusion suggest Fi is more active than she has been in many generations. She could return in Breath of the Wild 2, which therefore could make her a central influence on Breath of the Wild 2's name.

The True Mystery of Breath of the Wild 2

ganondorf breath of the wild 2 corpse

Of course, it's also possible that the game's title refers to multiple things at once. For instance, one could argue that Skyward Sword's title referred to many things, including Skyward Sword's motion controls, the sky islands, and Fi herself. Breath of the Wild 2's title could simultaneously hint at a new mechanic building on Breath of the Wild's work and reveal a major Zelda character making a return to the series. With all these possibilities in mind, it's impossible to nail down an obvious canddiate for the game's title, but one thing is clear: once Breath of the Wild 2's title gets revealed, conversations around the game will shift. The title will tell fans what Nintendo wants fans to focus on in this game, whether it's something fans saw coming or something completely unexpected.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WIld 2 releases in 2022 for Nintendo Switch.

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