The Last of Us 2 has been gathering up accolades since it launched last year, and there have also been questions about what comes next. Is Naughty Dog planning on bringing more content? Is it going to add any more modes to the game? What about something like a PS5 upgrade? For the most part, the developer has been pretty quiet about any plans it has for The Last of Us 2. However, Naughty Dog Co-President Neil Druckmann recently made some comments that could be signaling very good news for fans of the game.

Druckmann started his "announcement" with a tweet explaining that people who ask him what's coming next aren't going to get a solid answer. He explained it wasn't because he was playing coy. He simply couldn't share a ton of information. At the same time, he added that the developer is working on "several cool things" that he couldn't wait to share with the general public. It stands to reason that mixed in those cool things, there's at least some new project being worked on for The Last of Us 2. Just what those might be, and whether or not some of them might be things no one has even guessed at, are still a mystery.

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Multiplayer Coming To The Last of Us 2?

One mode that hasn't gotten much mention lately is any kind of multiplayer for The Last of Us 2. The multiplayer mode for the first game, called "Factions," was quite popular, fun, and successful. All those factors together made it seem like a no-brainer to include something similar, if not a straight redo to TLOU2. However, Naughty Dog made the decision not to pack in any kind of mode besides the single-player campaign. At the same time, the company promised that some sort of multiplayer standalone, attached but not exactly, would come at a later date.

He didn't even mention The Last of Us 2 specifically when talking about all the cool things the developer is working on, but the good news here is that when Druckmann and his people talk about something like the eventual arrival of a multiplayer component, the company has earned the benefit of the doubt. Part of that benefit comes from being fairly upfront when problems do arise, such was the case when it came to having to delay the release of the game last year. It turned out that delay wasn't all that long. In fact, the wait from the expected 2020 release date to its eventual launch was shorter than what the wait has been for this game's version of Factions.

Single-player DLC On The Horizon?

last of us 2 controversial scene

While Factions has at least been mentioned, one thing that Naughty Dog has so far been largely silent about is any expansion of the main story. It stands to reason that the fastest-selling video game of all time wouldn't have a hard time getting people interested in even more content and story. Could The Last of Us 2 get something likeLeft Behind? One of the really cool aspects of that stand-alone addition to the original TLOU was that it didn't continue on a story that was wrapped up quite nicely. Instead, it showed players a time before the game's events, so they got to know Ellie just a little bit better.

Should The Last of Us 2 get DLC, some content in the same vein would serve the game quite well. There's certainly plenty of fertile ground for another prequel-esque DLC, as several years clearly passed between the end of the original The Last of Us and TLOU2. Some new DLC could fill in the gaps, or it could also fill in the gaps of how Abbie and her group came to be. Considering where the game eventually took players, it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility to have DLC that introduces brand new characters. Of course, in order for any of this to come true, Naughty Dog would first have to confirm DLC is on the way. Of the options Druckmann could have been hinting at, this seems the least likely, but it's not impossile.

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PS5 Patch News


If there is something that could and should be on the horizon for sure, it would be the PS5 patch for The Last of Us 2. The game arrived close enough to the PlayStation 5 launch that it seems like it should be a given that Naughty Dog knew what was needed to get a next-gen patch going. To that end, if there is indeed a patch on the agenda, it seems a bit strange that it isn't here already. Of course, Naughty Dog, just like every company out there, has a built-in reason for why things might not have gotten completed. The pandemic has derailed plenty. Maybe now that the company and the world is starting to get on the other side of the outbreak, Druckmann is getting ready to finally detail when a rumored patch is going to arrive and what exactly it will do.

In an ideal world, the Naughty Dog chief is talking about all three things. He did, after all, say cool things: a plurality. He also did not say any of the things he was talking about were remotely tied to TLOU2, yet one thing Druckmann was almost not surely talking about was The Last of Us 3. While it seems like a no-brainer for Naughty Dog to make the third installment in the series, it seems extremely unlikely that any kind of announcement about TLOU3 is coming anytime remotely soon. Here's hoping the mystery of just what to expect from The Last of Us 2 next will be solved relatively soon.

The Last of Us 2 is out now, exclusively for PS4.

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