Major spoilers ahead for The Last of Us 2 .

The Last of Us 2 brought forth another chapter of Joel and Ellie's story, with some franchise defining events taking place throughout the narrative. Early into The Last of Us 2, Joel is faced with an ambush from members of the WLF, led by newcomer Abby. What first seemed like two groups of strangers randomly running into one another quickly turned into something far more harrowing.

This run-in leads to the death of Joel at the hands of Abby in order to avenge her father, who Joel killed when saving Ellie from the Fireflies at the end of the first game. Abby's moment of revenge still sparks heated debate among many who have played the game, and it was easily one of the most shocking gaming moments of 2020. Despite the shocking twist early on in the game, Abby is a key component in learning about the WLF, a military-like faction that calls Seattle its home. With season 2 of HBO's The Last of Us show gearing up to introduce Abby and the WLF, the live action series may need to make some changes to the faction.

The Last of Us 3's Ellie Shouldn't Be Another Joel

Assuming The Last of Us Part 3 centers on Ellie, one can only hope that Naughty Dog takes her in a different direction than Joel.

The Last of Us Season 2 Reworking the WLF

Since The Last of Us 2 will be adapted over multiple seasons, there is a lot of room to build up Abby and the WLF. Due to this approach of playing the long game with The Last of Us 2, it's likely that season 2 will be changing up some of the game's storyline, and it should start with how the WLF is introduced.

Putting a Heavier Focus on Abby and the WLF

When players are introduced to the WLF in The Last of Us 2, it's through an incredibly shocking and brutal moment that immediately makes it hard for many to look past Abby's actions when playing as her character after the fact. Although this was a gutsy approach and really made the jaw-dropping death of Joel feel completely visceral, this may not translate as well in the live action adaptation, especially if the showrunners want audiences to empathize with Abby.

With there potentially being multiple seasons focused on the events of The Last of Us 2, it doesn't seem as likely that Joel's death will happen as quickly in the story as it did in the game. There are plenty of theories about The Last of Us season 2, and the extent of Abby's role at the beginning of the story is a big question. Understanding at least a portion of Abby's motive before things get so intense could help curb audience outrage when the run-in with Joel eventually takes place.

Abby's father, Jerry, was the surgeon who was attempting to find a cordyceps cure for the Fireflies.

The Structure of the WLF

The WLF is a fascinating faction in the world of The Last of Us and deserves to be explored further. However, companionship in the WLF often feels a little cold and at arms-length. It serves as an antithesis to the Jackson community, which is necessary, but the dynamics among Abby's specific friend group within the WLF may need to be reworked in order for audiences to be more trusting or understanding of the clique's motives.

Of course, this is only if the showrunners of The Last of Us want the audience to be more empathetic to Abby and her cause. Abby is an incredibly compelling character, but it's understandable why her actions have stapled her as an outright villain for some players. Whatever direction season 2 of The Last of Us chooses, it may be best to give more backstory to Abby and her affiliation with the WLF - as well as her allies within it - before the fateful moment with Joel takes place.