The Last of Us Part 1 is a triumph of game design that boasts magnificent visuals, impeccable performances, and a heart-wrenching story. With such a high standard to maintain, the Left Behind DLC, which was released one year later, had a lot to live up to. Fortunately, its creative blend of tense gameplay and fantastic characters helped it to live up to the hype, bringing The Last of Us' narrative to a satisfying conclusion.

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Now, The Last of Us Part 1 brings Left Behind into the fold, giving players the chance to experience it alongside the main story and actively encouraging them through integrated trophies. With The Last of Us Part 1's new approach to trophies, players must find the optional conversation triggers in both the main game and the Left Behind DLC in order to unlock the "Getting to Know You" trophy. This guide will show players where they can trigger all of the optional conversations in Left Behind to help Platinum the game.

This guide doesn't include Ellie's unique joke interactions which count towards a different trophy.

Left Behind | Mallrats

Conversation 1 of 12

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This chapter begins after Ellie vaults over a stairway leading towards the military helicopter where the game will flashback to Ellie and Riley jumping through a window into some buildings after escaping a FEDRA patrol. As the pair make their way upstairs, they will begin to talk about the Fireflies' leader, Marlene, entering an abandoned apartment as they do so. Heading into a bedroom, the pair will spot some Firefly graffiti on the wall above the bed. At this point, players should talk to Riley about it to complete this conversation.

Conversation 2 of 12

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Making their way into the mall proper, Riley will mention a gift for Ellie as they head down some escalators. At the bottom, players should head around to the right and into a dead-end hallway with a "Parking Garage" sign above it. On the left wall is a billboard showing a sunny beach and players can press Triangle to talk to Riley about it.

Conversation 3 of 12

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To find the third optional conversation in Left Behind, players should head forward from the escalator. As Ellie and Riley enter the Liberty Gardens mall, the pair will walk by a row of planters separating the hallway. On the left side of a central planter, Ellie can find a billboard advertising water guns which she can reminisce about.

Conversation 4 of 12

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Heading down another escalator, the duo will come to a tent and a campfire by which Riley will mention a character called Winston. Players can approach her at the bottom of the escalator to talk more about him.

Conversation 5 of 12

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Heading inside the tent at the bottom of the escalator, Ellie can interact with a pile of papers in the back corner by the cot.

Conversation 6 of 12

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Exiting the tent, directly ahead is a bench with a saddle atop it. Players should approach and interact with it to learn more about Winston's horse in The Last of Us.

Conversation 7 of 12

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After trying and failing to cut through some collapsed rubble, Ellie and Riley will make their way through a Halloween store. Heading to the back right, in the women's section, is a jar of eyeballs on a shelf that Ellie can interact with.

Conversation 8 of 12

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Heading to the back left of the store, in the men's section, Riley will find a vampire mask to wear which Ellie can talk to her about.

Conversation 9 of 12

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In the middle aisle, by the kid's section, Ellie can find a green witch mask to wear that players can admire with Part 1's gorgeous visuals.

Conversation 10 of 12

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In the adjacent aisle nearest to the exit, Ellie can equip a Triple Phoenix mask and talk to Riley about it.

Conversations 11 of 12 and 12 of 12

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The final two optional conversations in Left Behind's Mallrats chapter are had with the Skeleseer in the left corner of the room nearby the Triple Phoenix mask. The toy must be interacted with as many times as possible before these conversations will be complete.

Left Behind | Fun and Games

Conversation 1 of 2

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The first optional conversation of this chapter can be engaged by approaching the carousel and interacting with the nearest horse, triggering one of The Last of Us' cutest quieter moments.

Conversation 2 of 2

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The final optional conversation to be had in the Left Behind DLC is found by walking past the carousel and down a short set of stairs to a photo booth. Interacting with it will show a cut scene and will unlock the final conversation.

The Last of Us Part 1 is currently available for PS5 and is in development for PC.

MORE: The Last Of Us Part 1: The Biggest Improvements In The PS5 Remake