After several long and excruciating survival chapters, The Last of Us Part 1 will transition seasons as Joel and Ellie finally reach Wyoming. Here, Joel finally reconnects with his long-lost brother Tommy as they come together to learn where the Fireflies are, as well as make plans on what to do next.

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Compared to the previous chapters in the game, Tommy's Dam is relatively short with only a few combat encounters. Most of the chapter is dedicated to the character development of Joel and Ellie, as well as introducing a positive way of living in the fungal post-apocalyptic world of The Last of Us Part 1.

Hydroelectric Dam

At the beginning of the chapter, players will immediately be in control of Joel. Walk straight ahead for a few paces. Eventually, there will be a white jeep crashed into a pole. Walk up to the front door to find a new weapon, the El Diablo revolver. Afterward, turn left to find a new level to drop to. Continue dropping down until Joel reaches the bottom level.

last of us part 1 tommy's dam jeep
last of us part 1 tommy's dam el diablo

On the bottom level, continue forward in the direction of the highway above. Eventually, there'll be two ledges to climb. At the top, turn right to find a Savage Starlightcomic. Then, continue forward.

last of us part 1 tommy's dam comic book 1

Continue following the path, going up the hill next to the waterfall. At the top will be a hydroelectric dam. Climb up the stairs. Turn left to find a valve, with the dam's barriers just beyond it. Walk up and press the triangle button to grab onto the valve, then turn the right joystick counter-clockwise to close the first half of the dam.

last of us part 1 tommy's dam wheel

Turn right and walk down the steps to where Ellie is. Then jump into the water and dive under. Directly ahead there will be a small structure. Swim into it; at the roof will be a wooden palette. Press the triangle button to push the palette to the surface.

last of us part 1 tommy's dam palette

Have Ellie jump onto the palette, then push it over to the other side. She'll get up and turn the valve on the other side, lifting the barrier. Climb up and use the barrier to cross to the other side with Ellie. Then, press the triangle button to give Ellie an enthusiastic high-five.

Climb down, then move forward. A log will be lying just ahead. Climb over it to find a few freshly dug graves, where Joel and Ellie can have an optional conversation about Henry and Sam.

last of us part 1 tommy's dam optional conversation 1

Go back and climb over the stone ledges to the left. Once up at the dam, turn left and follow along to the side. Eventually, Joel and Ellie will come to a large gate leading into the dam. Go into the building on the left to find supplies and an artifact. Then go up to the gate and press the triangle button to trigger the next cutscene.

After the cutscene, follow Tommy for a while. Ellie will stop and pet one of the horses. Follow her to have an optional conversation with her and to pet the horse as well. Then continue following Tommy inside. The player will simply have to follow Tommy until the next cutscene, though there are some extras to find along the way.

When Tommy leads Joel outside, head to the right to have an optional conversation with a woman keeping watch.

last of us part 1 tommy's dam optional conversation 3

Joel and Tommy will also walk by Buckley, a nice dog having a rest. Press the triangle button to pet him for a bit, then follow Tommy inside the dam. To the left of this room will be a training manual that will improve Joel's smoke bombs and a workbench. In the room directly below will be a firefly pendant​​​​​​. Then, continue following Tommy to reach the next cutscene.

last of us part 1 tommy's dam training manual

After the cutscene, hunters will attack the dam. For this first part, it's best to stick behind cover. The hunters will be armed, so use Joel's guns to help take out the hunters. Now will be a good time to use the El Diablo gun for its scope. If players have a scope on their rifle, they can use that as well. In the room where Joel and Tommy first entered the building, there will be an artifact on the table. When all the hunters inside are taken care of, head outside to deal with more there.

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Inside the next building, the hunters on the ground floor won't notice Joel at first. Use this chance to take them out quietly, either with a bow-and-arrow or a nail bomb or molotov cocktail. Then move down and into the next room and take out the last few hunters before reuniting with Ellie and Maria.

Ranch House

After the cutscene, Ellie will have run off. Joel and Tommy will leave the dam on horseback. Simply follow Tommy for a while. Eventually, the two of them will get ambushed by some more hunters. These hunters will attack Joel and Tommy ruthlessly with ammo and molotov cocktails, so move around the environment, using Joel's guns to fend them off.

When the hunters are dead, return to the horses and continue riding. Eventually, Joel and Tommy will reach a ranch house with Ellie's horse outside. Ride up to the front porch and press the triangle button to dismount. Then approach the front door and press the triangle button to open the front door and head inside.

Many of the rooms on both floors with have supplies in them. Head to the back right corner of the ground floor to find another firefly pendant.

last of us part 1 tommy's dam firefly pendant

On the second floor, head into the very first door on the left to find another Savage Starlight comic.

last of us part 1 tommy's dam comic book 2

After searching around for supplies, head upstairs to find the room Ellie is in. She'll be in the last room at the end of the hallway, with the door open just slightly. Go up and press the triangle button to open the door.

last of us part 1 tommy's dam ellie door

After the cutscene, a few hunters will have entered the house. Two will already be upstairs and searching. Use stealth to take them out. As Joel heads down the stairs, one of the hunters will throw a smoke bomb. Only three more hunters will be remaining on the ground floor. Finish them off, then head back to the front door to leave the house, ending the chapter.

The Last of Us Part 1 is available on PS5 and releases for PC on March 28, 2023.

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