When exploring Joel’s house in The Last of Us Part 1, a player stumbles upon an Easter egg focused on Tommy. Through this easily missable item, The Last of Us fans get some extra insight to the childhood of the two brothers.

Joel and Tommy have an interesting relationship in the two games, with Naughty Dog doing an excellent job of capturing brotherly love. Both characters regularly butt heads, especially in the first game, but Tommy ultimately helps Joel whenever he needs it. Likewise, through dialogue in The Last of Us and The Last of Us 2, it is made clear how much Joel helped Tommy in the early days of the apocalypse. However, long before the days of Clickers and Bloaters, Joel and Tommy were regular kids.

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At the start of The Last of Us Part 1, when players take control of Joel’s daughter Sarah, they can find a number of interesting items within the house. Players have discovered anxiety medication, learning that Joel would have been without treatment during the outbreak. Given the incredible visuals of the PS5 remake, eagle-eyed fans have also been able to uncover Joel’s age, bringing an end to years of speculation on an exact number. Now, if players check the room where Jimmy is shot, they can find a note from young Tommy.

Clearly kept by Joel as a memento from his childhood, the note features child-like handwriting and sees Tommy mentioning how he went off to summer camp. The note then mentions Joel putting together a bike, with Tommy wanting to ride his older brother’s motorcycle - though apparently Joel’s mom was not keen on the idea. As many commenters have pointed out, this is the first mention of the Millers’ parents, making the note an interesting bit of lore that gives a bit of insight into the upbringing of Joel and Tommy.

Another interesting comment comes from Reddit user specialvixen, who believes this moment gives more weight to Henry’s dream of building a motorcycle, which he mentions in the Sewer section of the game. Beyond that, several commenters used this note as an opportunity to push for a Last of Us prequel starring Tommy and a younger Joel. Whether it comes in the form of a proper game or a DLC, fans have wanted to see what the two were like during the 20-year gap between the prologue and Joel’s journey with Ellie.

Though this Easter egg will not change the way people view Joel or Tommy, it does a great job of highlighting how close they are. Through small touches like this, The Last of Us Part 1 has once again strengthened Naughty Dog’s reputation for releasing extremely detailed games.

The Last of Us Part 1 is available now on PS5. A PC version is currently in development.

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