There are many brutal factions that rule the wastes of The Last of Us Part 1, from militaristic FEDRA soldiers to cult-like cannibals. Throughout The Last of Us Part 1, players will be forced to reckon with killing many people in order to achieve their goals, some not always deserving of their fate.

With a variety of new systems at play and improved AI in The Last of Us remake, human combat encounters can prove to be the most challenging in the game. This guide will teach players the mechanics surrounding stealth and combat when dealing with human enemies in The Last of Us Part 1.

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How to Deal with Human Enemies in Combat


The first kind of enemies that players will encounter in the Boston Quarantine Zone are humans. Typically encountered in groups of three or more, the first few combat sections of the game introduce the player to the cover shooting mechanics at play in The Last of Us Part 1.

Unlike a cover shooter, however, enemies will give the player little time to firewhen attacked head-on, even from cover. As such, players are encouraged to get the drop on enemies by breaking the line of sight to flank and disorientate them.

Players should always be assessing their surroundings and looking for opportunities to circle around enemies. Despite the claustrophobic environments, The Last of Us Part 1 will almost always present a way for players to get around enemies unnoticed, but beware – enemies that know the player’s location will use these pathways to flank them, too.

Against human enemies in combat, some will be wearing body armor and helmets, rendering low-caliber weapons less useful. As such, in later sections of the game, it’s better to use tougher weapons like the Hunting Rifle and El Diablo to pierce through armor for quick kills.

Use Every Advantage

Joel throwing a smoke bomb in the Firefly Hospital in The Last of Us Part 1

In situations where the player is surrounded, Joel’s large arsenal of weapons and items can come in incredibly handy: his nail bombs can not only be thrown at groups of enemies but can also be placed to defend positions where he can be flanked; Molotovs always present a quick way of forcing enemies out from behind cover, and smoke bombs can help with a quick getaway should players wish to re-enter stealth or grab a stunned enemy. As always, bricks and bottles are incredibly useful for stunning enemies into a kill or grab.

If players want to defend their position but have enemies closing in, they can stun an enemy by using the aforementioned smoke bombs - or The Last of Us' iconic bricks and bottles - or by shooting out an enemy’s leg. From here, running up and pressing the grab button will allow the player to use a human shield, where he can shoot enemies from a safe distance. After a while, the grabbed thug will begin to struggle, affecting the player’s aim, before they eventually break free or are killed by the player or by friendly fire.

Remember to take breaks from combat also, if necessary, by taking cover and using a Med Kit or crafting some items. Use this time to scout enemy positions in Listen Mode, as well.

The Last of Us Part 1 is currently available for PS5 and is in development for PC.

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