The Last of Us Part 1 has finally been released to let new and old fans alike reexperience this masterpiece with a fresh coat of paint. While many people doubt the validity of this remake existing in the first place, there's no denying that The Last of Us Part 1 is a technical masterpiece that adds immense depth and improves a player's immersion with the wide variety of visual upgrades present in the title, even though the story itself remains completely unchanged.

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New players who want to get into this title might find themselves struggling with the game early on since the survival gameplay is not really all that forgiving and will punish players for making the smallest mistakes. Here are some Last of Us Part 1 tips to keep in mind to make the game easier to play and more enjoyable as well.

Updated on February 17, 2023 by Ritwik Mitra: The Last of Us Part 1 is a great remake of the first game, boasting better graphics and motion capture performances along with a whole host of gameplay improvements and improved accessibility options that haven't gone unnoticed. The story of Joel and Ellie is an emotional one that has translated well to both games and TV shows, with The Last of Us HBO series being one of the most critically acclaimed and beloved pieces of media around. Players looking to try this game out when it launches on the PC will be well-serviced by the following tips to make their harrowing journey easier.

11 Keep A Shiv Handy At All Times

last of us part 1 pittsburgh shiv door

Any players even remotely familiar with the gameplay loop of The Last of Us is well aware of just how useful a shiv is in the game. It helps players open locked doors, thwart a Clicker's attack, and perform faster silent takedows without attracting too much attention. The value of a shiv in this game simply cannot be stated enough, and new players should keep its benefits in mind.

This is why players should craft as many shivs as possible to deal with any debilitating situation that might arise during their journey in the game. There's nothing more satisfying than stopping a Clicker in its tracks before putting a bullet in its head, after all!

10 Use Distraction Tactics To Deal With Multiple Enemies

last of us part 1 pittsburgh hunters

The Last of Us loves to put Joel and Ellie through the grinder time and time again, pitting them against massive odds that they need to overcome by using their brains and brawn. Normally, players will have to deal with multiple infected enemies and human raiders that will definitely destroy them if they make a single wrong step.

This is why it's important to use all of Joel's tools and the environment itself to distract enemies and spread them out. Strategies include throwing objects to isolate enemies, making enemies congregate in one location before using a powerful weapon to take them out, and splitting up groups of enemies to make it easier to take them out without backup arriving quickly.

9 Search Every Area Thoroughly

last of us part 1 pittsburgh firefly pendant 3

The Last of Us encourages people to scrounge around and find items that can aid them in their journey. Crafting is a huge part of the game and a mechanic that players should definitely interact with if they want to survive the trials and tribulations lying in store for them.

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This is why it's important to search every area and find crafting materials, bullets, resources, and everything else along those lines. Sometimes, having a medkit or shiv is the difference between survival and death.

8 Tweak Stealth Options To Make Sneaking Around More Enjoyable

the last of us part 1 remake pittsburgh hotel lobby dreading sequence

Sneaking around is a huge part of the gameplay loop in The Last of Us. Trying to get the drop on enemies and take them out without alerting anyone makes for a great time.

However, if stealth is proving to be a bit challenging, players can use accessibility options to make it more enjoyable. Tweaks include the reduction of enemy perception and the playable character becoming invisible during these stealth sections.

7 Keep An Eye Out On Joel And Ellie's Flanks

the last of us part 1 platinum trophy challenging multiplayer factions difficulties

The Last of Us Part 1 features many improvements across numerous fronts, including enemy AI. The base game had pretty decent enemy AI in its own right, but the remake brings their intelligence to a whole new level.

Now, enemies are more adept at flanking the player and surprising them with a sneaky attack. So, while staying behind cover is good and all, it's important for the player to also keep their eye out in case an enemy is trying to flank them since this surprise can lead to their death!

6 Make Sure To Be Very Wary When Hearing The Dreadful Clicker Noise

the last of us abraham lincoln clicker coin 1959 deformed

Clickers are some of the hardest and most dread-inducing enemies in the game. These enemies are extremely hard to deal with and will one-shot the player when they close the distance.

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This makes it important to be on the lookout for their patented clicking noise when entering any combat area. With the new 3D audio in this remake, this becomes easier and more immersive!

5 Lock-On Aiming Can Help If Players Find The Shooting To Be Finicky

the last of us part 1 ellie

Shooting in The Last of Us Part 1 is a major part of the gameplay. Given the limited amount of ammunition in the game, players need to be wary while using their bullets, with a single missed shot being a huge waste of ammo in some instances.

Players who want to ensure that their aim is perfect should definitely use the Lock-on Aiming accessibility option. It's a simple tweak that does wonders when it comes to letting players make the most of their shots without having to spend too much time aiming.

4 Change The Difficulty If The Game Is Too Challenging

the last of us part 1 ellie

Sometimes, there's no shame in turning down the difficulty in a game if players are having a tough time getting through certain encounters. This applies in The Last of Us Part 1 as well, and players who really want to experience the story properly without facing too many obstacles in the gameplay should definitely opt for a lower difficulty setting.

The enhanced difficulty setting options present in The Last of Us Part 1 make it possible for players to tweak the game's challenge exactly how they want it to be. Things such as stealth, ally effectiveness, and the danger an enemy poses are just a few of the many things that can be tweaked with The Last of Us Part 1's extensive suite of difficulty options.

3 The Auto Pick-Up Setting Is A Godsend

joel and ellie looking disappointed

A huge part of The Last of Us Part 1 is roaming around environments and picking up as many ingredients for crafting as possible. Suffice to say, this can become a grating task after a point... which is where accessibility options come to the rescue once again!

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Now, players can enable Auto Pick-Up to ensure that they don't have to constantly press a button to pick up these craftable items over and over again. It's a simple yet great change that can make the game much more playable since players don't have to worry about missing out on an item that might help them make an all-important shiv or something else along the same lines.

2 Slow Motion Can Be Enabled While Aiming To Make Gunplay Easier

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Enabling Auto Aim is something that might not sit well with many players who find it to be a bit of a cop-out. However, wasting a bullet can be highly irritating regardless, and some players might want a better compromise that forces them to pick out a good spot to shoot without getting munched on in the process.

Well, The Last of Us Part 1 has a Slow Motion option that can be enabled either while aiming or manually with a simple swipe on the touchpad. The novelty of playing through the game in Slow Motion is pretty great as is, allowing players to carefully aim down the barrel without any pressure whatsoever.

1 Use Enhanced Listen Mode To Target Enemies And Find Items

Joel and Ellie standing next to one another in the Last of Us: Part 1

One of the more unique inclusions in The Last of Us Part 1 is the addition of an Enhanced Listen Mode. Since this emulates the tracking present in most modern AAA games, it's easy to see why most people would want this mode to be enabled at all times for its slew of benefits.

With Enhanced Vision Mode, players can 'scan' their environments to discover items and uncover the positions of enemies. It's a great way to carefully track any items that players might miss out on or plan out a strategy that lets them deal with most enemies without getting caught off-guard.

The Last of Us Part 1 is available now on PlayStation 5, and will release for the PC on March 28, 2023.

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