After leaving the Quarantine Zone, players will have their first opportunity to see how the world of The Last of Us Part 1 has degraded over time and finally get the military off their backs. But while there are many dangers outside the QZ, Joel and Ellie must press on to complete their journey.

With the world opening up, players will be rewarded for checking areas thoroughly, which is worth taking the time to do as resources can become scarce at times and could be the difference between life and death. Alongside this, there will be more collectibles for players to keep their eyes peeled for. In particular, artifacts can either provide insights into minor sub-plots, provide clues to hidden resources in an area, or even prompt dialogue between characters as they discuss their findings.

Here is where players can find the artifacts in the third chapter, the Outskirts.

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Tess' List

The Last of Us Part I Artifacts Tess' List

After Tess returns to lead Joel and Ellie through a safe passage out of the QZ, players should turn around and head back into the other room. On a table next to the sofa where Joel was sleeping, players can pick up the first of the Outskirts artifacts.

Patrol Routes Map

The Last of Us Part I Artifacts Patrol Routes Map

This map can be found on the ground to the right after taking the lift down.

Evacuation Leaflet

The Last of Us Part I Artifacts Evacuation Leaflet

As players progress towards the downtown area and while Tess and Ellie are talking, players will see a car by a streetlight with several signs attached.On the ground between the car and the trash can is the leaflet that can be picked up.

Field Ops Log

The Last of Us Part I Artifacts Field Ops Log

While heading up the stairs to reach level five of the Goldstone Building, players will come across the body of a soldier who has a clipboard beside them.

Firefly Map

The Last of Us Part I Artifacts Firefly Map

Before delving deeper into the subway, players should head toward the right. There will be a body on the ground next to the yellow and red chairs where players can collect a Molotov alongside other supplies, and continuing around here will lead to a set of stairs and an escalator. About halfway up the stairs is another body, but this one has a Firefly map next to them.

Note to Derek

The Last of Us Part I Artifacts Note to Derek

In this section of the subway, players will need to be cautious of the many Clickers that have taken up residence here. From where players begin this section, they should take a left, and there will be a set of payphones across from them.

To the right of the phones will be a Runner devouring the remains of a body while a Clicker patrols nearby. Just beyond the Runner is a small shop where players can get around a counter to open a drawer to find this artifact, which has a code for a safe in the area.

Medical Pamphlet

The Last of Us Part I Artifacts Medical Pamphlet

After wheeling a crate over to the truck, players can use it to climb over. The truck is open on the other side, and players will be able to collect a melee weapon and the next artifact here.

Firefly Orders

The Last of Us Part I Artifacts Firefly Orders

With the Capitol Building in sight, players will follow Tess and Ellie down a set of stairs, but before leaving the area, players should double back to the left of the stairs to find a body with a note alongside ammunition for the revolver.

Smuggler Note

The Last of Us Part I Artifacts Smuggler Note

After Ellie picks up a flashlight from a nearby corpse, players can collect the final artifact for the area from the same body.

There are a total of 99 notes and artifacts that can be found across both The Last of Us Part 1 and its expansion Left Behind. Collecting them all will reward players with the trophy, “Chronicles.”

The Last of Us Part 1 is available on PlayStation 5, and a PC version is in development.

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