
  • Naughty Dog should consider bundling The Last of Us Part 2 with its upcoming multiplayer game, finally fulfilling the promise of a multiplayer mode for the sequel.
  • Bundling the games together would create the definitive version of The Last of Us Part 2 and provide players with both an acclaimed story and gameplay experience.
  • Including a remastered version of The Last of Us Part 2 in the bundle would allow players to experience the highest fidelity graphics and potentially incentivize fans of the series' single-player roots to try the multiplayer spin-off.

After over a decade of single-player success with the series, all eyes are on Naughty Dog as the acclaimed developer continues to work on The Last of Us’ first standalone multiplayer entry. First announced at Summer Games Fest 2022 with a single screenshot and the promise of a new story, it’s still unclear whether The Last of Us’ multiplayer game will be a refined version of the first game’s Factions mode or something else entirely. Regardless of what form the finished game takes, though, Naughty Dog could make good on an unfulfilled promise by bundling it with the series’ second outing.

Rather than simply including game mechanics from The Last of Us Part 2 in the franchise’s standalone multiplayer debut, as is likely already in the developer’s plans, Naughty Dog should consider bundling the two games together. By including The Last of Us Part 2 with the new game, Naughty Dog would finally deliver the multiplayer component the developer promised but ultimately failed to release with the second title. Bundling the two together would also let Naughty Dog release what could become the definitive version of the widely praised sequel.

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A Bundle Would Give The Last of Us Part 2 the Multiplayer Mode it Was Meant to Have

the last of us multiplayer factions mode

When Naughty Dog announced that The Last of Us Part 2 would contain a multiplayer mode in the lead-up to its launch many fans of the first game’s online offerings were excited. While The Last of Us Factions never garnered the massive player numbers of some of its multiplayer contemporaries it did manage to develop a dedicated fanbase, many of whom hoped to see the unique mode carried forward to the sequel. Eventually, though, a years-long series of delays led to the long-promised feature never arriving.

Although The Last of Us 2’s multiplayer mode never ultimately saw the light of day, Naughty Dog could still make good on its promise by bundling the sequel with the series’ upcoming standalone multiplayer title. This would not only serve as a goodwill gesture, showing gamers that it delivers on its promises even if in a roundabout way, but also give those who skipped the sequel a chance to experience its acclaimed story and gameplay. Bundling the two titles would also allow Naughty Dog to deliver another much-requested addition to the franchise by making the single-player pack-in a remastered version of The Last of Us Part 2.

Pairing a Remastered The Last of Us Part 2 With the Multiplayer Game Would Kill Two Birds With One Stone

The Last of Us Part 2 Poster

Even though it’s only been just over three years since its debut many fans are already calling for the release of a remastered version of The Last of Us Part 2. While the PlayStation 4 exclusive is still one of the best-looking games available on Sony’s aging console, remastering The Last of Us Part 2 for PlayStation 5 and PCs would allow Naughty Dog to deliver the definitive version of the series’ second outing.

Despite some technical problems with its PC release, the 2022 remake of The Last of Us Part 1 gave gamers a glimpse of just how gorgeous the series can look on modern hardware. Including a similarly remastered version of The Last of Us Part 2 as part of a bundle would let gamers experience the sequel in the highest fidelity possible while also potentially increasing interest in the new game. For franchise fans still wary of the series straying from its predominantly single-player roots, getting a remastered version of The Last of Us Part 2 as part of their purchase could incentivize them to give the multiplayer spin-off a shot.

Including a remastered version of The Last of Us Part 2 with the series’ upcoming multiplayer outing would be a shrewd move for Naughty Dog. By pairing one of its most acclaimed titles with the multiplayer mode it was always meant to have the renowned developer would not only be doing right by fans, but also providing the most full-featured The Last of Us experience to date.

The Last of Us multiplayer game is currently in development.

MORE: The Last of Us and Horizon's Multiplayer Spin-Offs Will Have The Same Challenge to Overcome