Aside from its riveting narratives, The Last of Us sets itself apart from other post-apocalyptic forms of media by incorporating the Infected. While they can be similar to bog-standard zombies, it's the combination of the natural and grotesque that makes the Infected so unique. Originating from a mutation of the genus Cordyceps, the fictional version of this fungus turns humans into aggressive hosts called Clickers that seek to spread the infection.

There are multiple types of Infected in Naughty Dog's The Last of Us universe, ranging from the newly-turned Runners to the specialized Rat King. However, arguably the most iconic Infected has to be the Clicker. With its cracked visage that almost resembles a mutated flower and an iconic form of echolocation, it's no wonder why this particular Infected encapsulated the species as a whole.

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The Clicker Defined


The Clicker is the third stage Infected humans go through after being exposed to the Cordyceps fungus, preceded by the Runner and Stalker stages. It takes quite some time for an Infected to reach this stage, as the fungus has to completely take over the host's brain. Clickers have two easily identifiable characteristics, with the first being the large fungal growth on their heads. Prolonged exposure to the Cordyceps fungus has caused the host's skull to split wide open and reveal the infection growing underneath. The split also renders the host blind.

This blindness feeds into the Clicker's second distinguishing characteristic: the clicking sound it makes. Clickers use the sound waves produced by their clicks and screeches to bounce sound waves off surfaces. Much like how bats use echolocation to see in the dark, Clickers use echolocation to feel their surroundings and maneuver their way toward their prey. This is why humans must keep quiet and remain still whenever a Clicker is around. If they do get spotted, a Clicker's immense strength and durability almost ensures that a close-range encounter will be a fatal one.

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While the Clicker is the third stage of Infected, it was in fact one of the first Infected that was finalized by Naughty Dog when making The Last of Us. The first game needed something unique to set it apart from other forms of post-apocalyptic media, and that's when Lead Character Artist Michael Knowland came up with the idea for the Clicker. By taking fungal imagery and placing it on a human, the development team created a creature that combines nature with humanity.

Unlike other forms of Infected that have just turned or are too far gone, the Clicker serves as a medium between the two extremes. To put things into perspective, the Runner looks too much like a normal zombie while the Bloater (the final stage of an Infected's evolution) looks nothing like its original host. The Clicker, on the other hand, combines aspects of humans and Infected. Its lower body still looks very much human while its head looks almost like a Bloater's. The sounds it makes are otherworldly but still grounded in realism; so much so that those who know how Clickers came to be can see how they evolved that way. Clickers are violent creatures but their biology, when viewed from afar, can be beautiful in a way.

This fine line between violence and beauty that Clickers walk can also be seen in The Last of Us as a whole. The franchise's universe is dark and dire, and can cause its inhabitants to question if morality still exists. At the same time, The Last of Us has moments that are quiet, somber, and serene. These moments are where humanity shines, as themes of trust, love, and the importance of relationships are elevated in a world full of violence. Players won't find any of these good qualities when they see a Clicker, but the Infected is a personification of Mother Nature taking control back from humanity. Just as old human structures are being reclaimed by nature in The Last of Us, so too is the Cordyceps fungus taking control over its human host. It can be interesting to see from afar, but no one would like to get up close and personal with any kind of Infected.

The Last of Us Part 1 is currently available for PS5 and is in development for PC.

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