
  • Staci's phone number in The Last of Us 2 uses a valid area code, as recently spotted by one attentive fan.
  • While the number itself is fictitious, its area code matches that for Seattle, the main setting of TLOU2.
  • This discovery adds to the long list of known real-world inspirations that informed Naughty Dog's hit game.

One attentive The Last of Us 2 player was recently intrigued to learn that a phone number featured in the early hours of Naughty Dog's hit action adventure uses a Washington area code matching the game's setting. Their discovery adds to the ever-expanding list of examples underlining the immaculate attention to detail that went into the making of The Last of Us 2.

Minor gameplay spoilers revealing one safe combination in the Capitol Hill chapter of The Last of Us 2 ahead.

Like most of the game's levels, the Capitol Hill chapter of The Last of Us 2 contains a variety of secrets to uncover. One of them arrives in the form of a locked safe located in the Wellwisher Thrift Store and Donation Center. The container's combination can be found in the center's bathroom, where players will encounter a wall scribble instructing the reader to call Staci "for a good time." The writing is followed by a phone number, 206-555-0133, whose final seven digits unlock the safe. Figuring this out on one's own is not too difficult to do, as the Thrift Store Reminder note in the safe's vicinity spells out the secret to unlocking it.

The Last of Us 2 Player Discovers Easily Missable Seraphite Detail

The Last of Us 2 player discovers yet another detail related to Seraphites, which has left the community in awe of the game's meticulousness.

Staci's Phone Number in TLOU2 Isn't Real, But Its Area Code Is

What's somewhat less obvious is Staci's phone number uses a valid area code. This was recently noted by Reddit user Bi0_B1lly, who decided to dial the number despite being aware that the 555 prefix is commonly used as a fake dialing code across all entertainment media. And while they did confirm that the number itself was fictitious, they were impressed to realize that its first three digits can be found on the real list of the state of Washington's area codes. Specifically, 206 is used for Seattle, which happens to be the main setting of The Last of Us 2.

Staci's carefully chosen phone number is just the latest in a long list of known details illustrating Naughty Dog's commitment to making the setting of its hit 2020 game feel as grounded in reality as a post-apocalyptic zombie story can be. Even many of the game's minor assets that most The Last of Us 2 players will overlook draw inspiration from the real world.

As for this particular detail, discovering Staci's phone number is actually not the only way to unlock the thrift store safe in The Last of Us 2. An alternative approach is to simply listen carefully to the sound of the dial while turning it, as the click of the next valid number in the combination will always sound distinctly different from the rest. This trick can be used for unlocking any other safe in the game as well.