
  • The Last of Us Part 2 had a difficult start due to major plot leaks, causing some fans to form negative opinions before playing.
  • The upcoming PS5 remaster of The Last of Us Part 2 will include extra content like a roguelike mode and "Lost Levels," which fans are excited about.
  • The "Lost Levels" are scrapped missions from the game's development and will come with developer commentary, offering players a behind-the-scenes look. The Jackson Party level could be particularly tragic and bittersweet for fans.

The Last of Us Part 2 has had a bit of a shaky history so far. After the 2013 original became a worldwide sensation, there was an insurmountable amount of pressure on The Last of Us Part 2's shoulders, and its major pre-release leak really didn't help things. Just a month before it was set to hit store shelves, The Last of Us Part 2 suffered a devastating leak that spoiled some major plot moments, and that led to many fans forming a strong opinion about the game's story before they'd even had a chance to play it. So, while critics ended up adoring The Last of Us Part 2, some fans were extremely vocal about their dislike of the sequel, and that immediate reception has kind of marred the game ever since. But it might finally be time to change that.

Just a week ago, Naughty Dog announced that The Last of Us Part 2 is getting a PS5 remaster early next year. While its graphics don't necessarily need a refresh, there's a ton of extra content in The Last of Us Part 2 remaster that's more than worth the extra $10 if fans already own a copy of the PS4 original. Though the PS5 DualSense integration is great, and the roguelike "No Return" mode sounds like a horrifying blast, it's The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered's Lost Levels that are getting fans really excited, and one might end up being a real tear-jerker.

The Last of Us Part 2's Roguelike Mode Checks a Long-Awaited Box

The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered will finally apply one gameplay twist many have hoped for with its new roguelike mode, No Return.

One Last of Us Part 2 Remastered Lost Level Might Be Too Much For Long-Time Fans

Last of Us Part 2 Remastered's Three Lost Levels Explained

Though not a lot has been officially revealed about them just yet, The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered will contain three individual "Lost Levels." Presumably accessed via the main menu, separate from the game's main story mode, The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered's three Lost Levels let players explore their way through three missions that were scrapped during The Last of Us Part 2's development. As such, these missions likely won't be entirely complete, though that hasn't really been confirmed either way. Each of these levels will also apparently come with a developer commentary track, where the devs explain the level and why it ultimately ended up on the cutting room floor.

Naughty Dog has confirmed the titles for these three Lost Levels, with them being Boar Hunt, The Sewers, and Jackson Party. The first of these, Boar Hunt, would seemingly take place while Ellie is living with Dina about two-thirds of the way through the game, as Ellie writes about the event in her journal during that time. The Sewers could really take place anywhere within The Last of Us Part 2's main story mode, but is most likely to take place early on in Ellie's journey through Seattle. The final Lost Level, Jackson Party, would seemingly take place before the game officially starts, letting players explore Jackson the night before the game begins, which could end up being a pretty bittersweet level for fans.

Last of Us Part 2 Remastered's Jackson Party Lost Level Could Be a Bittersweet Highlight

Based on the tiny glimpse of footage seen in The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered's announcement trailer, the Jackson Party Lost Level takes place on the same night as the dance and kiss between Ellie and Dina, with the trailer showing Ellie walking around a snowy Jackson with festive lights hung all around. This probably means that fans will get to see more of Ellie interacting with the rest of the Jackson community, maybe even including Tommy, Maria, and Jesse.

Hopefully, this also means that players might get to see a tiny bit more of Ellie and Dina's relationship, which could end up feeling a tad bittersweet, given how their relationship turns out by the time the credits roll. Similarly, this Jackson Party Lost Level could lead to a never-before-seen Joel appearance, which would be even more tragic given that this is the last night that Ellie sees him properly.

With these Lost Levels being from The Last of Us Part 2 's "early development," it's highly likely that fans won't actually get to hear any new dialogue as it may have never been recorded in the first place.