The Last Of Us is widely considered to be one of the best video games of all time. After experiencing a slight delay, its highly anticipated sequel,
The Last Of Us Part II , will finally be released on May 29, 2020. It might be one of many sequels dropping this year for the PlayStation 4, but it's definitely one of the most wanted.Ever since its initial announcement at PlayStation Experience in December 2016, fans of the series have been hard at work coming up with theories about what the future might bring. RELATED: 10 Mistakes Microsoft And Sony Could Make With The Next Gen Consoles (We Really Hope They Don't)

10 We Already Know That Ellie Is The Main Character

In The Last Of Us, Ellie was introduced as a secondary character that the main character, Joel Miller, was responsible for taking care of. She was also briefly a playable character during a chapter where Joel was injured and couldn't do things for himself. She may have only been fourteen years old at the time, but she was wise beyond her years. Born into the apocalypse, the infected world was all she had ever truly known, making her a bit rough around the edges, to say the least.

In The Last Of Us Part II, she's been upgraded to the main character!

9 It's Very Likely That The Fireflies Will Find Ellie

After one night of reckless adventure with a friend, Ellie discovered that she was immune to the infection that had leveled the world. With the help of Joel Miller and a handful of other people along the way, she set off to find a group called the Fireflies, hoping that her immunity could help to save the lives of others.

After finding the Fireflies, Joel and Ellie discovered that the cure came with a high price: Ellie's life. Joel was unwilling to pay it, and fought his way to Ellie, saving her life and fleeing into the night with her. But of course, it doesn't end there. Once the possibility for a cure presents itself, it's hard to just move past it - and it appears that the Fireflies are still trying to hunt their opportunity down.

8 We Already Know That Joel Is Alive

Thanks to help from Ellie, Joel survived until the end of The Last Of Us, but it wasn't made immediately obvious whether or not he would be in The Last Of Us Part II. It had been several years between the two games, after all, and it would make sense that something could have claimed Joel's life - especially since he's always ridden the line between good guy and bad guy.

Luckily, he emerged from the shadows partway through the trailer, guaranteeing that he would at least be alive long enough for players to see him again.

7 It's Very Likely That Someone We Love Won't Survive

There were several deaths throughout the story that served as an emotional reminder of just how bleak the new world is, and among those casualties were Joel's partner, Tess, and a couple of brothers that Joel and Ellie befriended, Sam and Henry.

It's only logical to assume that there will be similar losses in The Last of Us Part II, if not more impactful ones. The potential for Joel or Ellie to finally meet their match seems to be pretty high. After all, taking out either of the fan favorite characters would be gut-wrenching, which is exactly what The Last of Us Part II is expected to be.

6 We Already Know That Archery Didn't Get Axed

Archery is one of the most efficient ways to kill enemies in The Last of Us. The bow is completely silent so it doesn't attract others when you fire, and arrows that actually hit their mark can be recollected. While guns might get the job done faster, they get the job done a lot louder, too, and invite plenty of other jobs to come check out what's going on.

Thankfully, in the trailer for The Last of Us Part II, Ellie is shown weilding a bow!

5 It's Very Likely That Ellie Will Get A Girlfriend (But Even More Likely That She Won't Make It)

Ellie was confirmed to be romantically interested in other women in the Left Behind DLC, which detailed the story of how she discovered that she was immune in the first place. She slipped off to a mall with her best friend, Riley, and after getting up to some innocent teenage hijinks, the two shared a sweet kiss. The softness only lasted a few seconds before a horde burst in and attacked them. Both were injured, but only Ellie managed to escape infection.

The trailer for The Last of Us Part II shows Ellie sharing some intimate moments with a woman named Dina - but it also shows her screaming Dina's name in distress just before becoming bent on a mission of revenge. Fans are nervous that Dina might be fridged in order to further Ellie's storyline, and rightfully so.

4 We Already Know It Won't Have Any Multiplayer

There was speculation that The Last of Us Part II would have multiplayer features, but it was confirmed in September 2019 that there would be no such mode available. It appears that the plan is to create a completely separate multiplayer game and to leave the gameplay experience more true to the original, in that it's truly just the player versus the world around them without any outside help.

It might have been pretty cool to be able to work alongside a friend (or even a stranger) to survive, but there is something charming about the single-player experience.

3 It's Very Likely That You'll Have To Kill At Least One Dog

Dogs in video games are always a touchy subject. Having a canine companion can be awesome, though it does add an extra element of responsibility. However, when the dogs are on the other side, things can get a little dark.

In The Last Of Us Part II, certain enemies have dogs with them, and it only seems logical to assume that they're going to do their owners bidding - which means that they'll probably attack Ellie on sight. There might be ways around having to actually kill them, but it doesn't seem possible to get through an entire playthrough without having to take out at least one.

2 We Already Know That Other Humans Are The Real Threat

Throughout The Last Of Us, it was prevalent that the humans were a much larger threat than anything infected could have ever been. The different factions were always at odds with one another, and any straggler that didn't belong to either group was always either a serious threat themselves - or at constant risk from others.

From what we know about The Last Of Us Part II, it seems that humans are still the biggest problem that Joel and Ellie will have to face.

1 It's Very Likely That Ellie Will Learn The Truth

In the final moments of The Last Of Us, Ellie looked Joel in the eyes and asked him to tell her the truth - and he lied to her. It's debated whether she actually believed him or not, since some feel like she just went along with what he was telling her in order to keep the peace, but either way, she accepted his words as the truth.

They've built a life for themselves together since then, but how long can Joel's dishonesty hold up? Certainly not forever. Perhaps The Last Of Us Part II will finally lead to Ellie learning the truth of what happened.