Even in the face of a massive leak, The Last of Us 2 remains one of the most anticipated games of the year. Like the first game, The Last of Us 2 is being sold as an emotionally-charged experience that doesn't shy away from extreme violence and upsetting scenes. However, one violent aspect of the game is being touted as a "feature" by video game retailer GameStop, and it hasn't sat well with all fans of the franchise.

Right now, GameStop lists "dogs" as a feature in The Last of Us 2, but more specifically, the ability to kill dogs in the game. The Last of Us 2 product description makes a pun about how "the game doesn't pull any punches or 'stray'" from the fact that players will have to kill dogs to survive in some situations. According to the product description, each dog in The Last of Us 2 has an owner, and that person will "cry in absolute horror when they discover their lifeless furry best friend."

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This level of violence and upsetting content is par for the course for The Last of Us, and on paper, it does sound like an interesting mechanic. If nothing else, it will adds more emotional weight to fighting dogs in the game. However, GameStop touting dog killing as a "feature" in The Last of Us 2 has definitely raised some eyebrows, even prompting a response from Naughty Dog itself who clarified that it did not write or assist in writing the product description.

At the time of this writing, the GameStop product page still lists the dog "feature" as a selling point for the game. Unfortunately, the product page is also riddled with The Last of Us 2 spoilers, as the company is allowing reader reviews to be published despite the game not even being out yet. So any fans wanting to go look at the description for themselves should do so with caution.

Even though The Last of Us 2 spoilers have had a negative impact on the game's hype and momentum, Naughty Dog is confident that the experience of actually playing the game from start to finish won't be matched. Fans will find out for themselves once The Last of Us 2 release date rolls around next month.

The Last of Us 2 launches on June 19, exclusively for PS4.

MORE: The Perfect Storm That Spoiled The Last of Us Part 2

Source: Polygon