
  • The best skills in The Last of Us Part 2 improve combat prowess and survival abilities, whether it's through health, weapon upgrades, or other useful abilities.
  • Ellie can craft explosive arrows, increase aiming stability, and craft silencers to enhance her combat effectiveness.
  • Abby has skills that grant high-damage melee attacks, increased health capacity, faster movement with hostages, and improved aiming stability and accuracy.

Skills are a vital component of The Last of Us Part 2, and as players journey into the shoes of Ellie and Abby in their own respective stories within Seattle, they are bound to come across some necessary skills to use against the horrors that lurk within their paths. The best skills in The Last of Us Part 2 benefit players in a variety of different ways, whether that’s through more health, weapon upgrades, or really anything that can be used in the field.

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The Last of Us Part 2’s best skills are found for both Ellie and Abby across their individual chapters, and whether it’s against humans or infected, these skills will make grand improvements to their combat prowess and survival abilities.


Separate from Abby’s skill trees, Ellie has her own skills to use in The Last of Us Part 2, and each of them can come at an advantage to the player to make the best out of the worst foes, from infected to wolves, to scars.

8 Craft Explosive Arrows

20 Supplements

craft explosive arrows skills
  • Craft Explosive Arrows With Explosive & Binding

The first skill within the Explosives skill tree is perhaps the most important, as it allows Ellie to craft explosive arrows that can be used for her bow. These arrows are immensely powerful, and they can easily clear out hordes of enemies that are close together. They are also great to use in stealth, although enemies will be alerted to Ellie’s presence in the field, but not her exact location. Shooting these explosive arrows is a twisted joy, and they’re great against Shamblers and Bloaters.

7 Aim Stability Increase

30 Supplements

aim stability increase skill for ellie
  • +100% Stability
  • +100% Accuracy

With the Precision skill, players can increase the aiming stability and accuracy that they have whilst moving. Shooting and aiming whilst on the move is a lot harder than staying still and being prone, so to receive a double increase to these stats within the act will make dealing with fast enemies like Runners and scars a lot easier, especially when they’re out to get Ellie with a melee strike.

6 Craft Silencers

20 Supplements

ellie craft silencers skill
  • Craft Pistol Silencers With Rag & Canister

The first skill to bless the Stealth section is Craft Silencers, which will remain a vital skill throughout The Last of Us Part 2 due to the fact that it does something unique, allowing players to craft silencers with scavenged items to ensure that they can clear all encounters through stealth.

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Their first silencer skill will see a durability of 3, meaning only the first 3 shots will be silenced before players must craft a new suppressor.

5 Increased Health

60 Supplements

ellie increase health skill
  • +25% Health

Increasing health should always be a priority in survival games like The Last of Us Part 2. Health upgrades are a must, as players are bound to be hit by a bullet or struck by a runner or a melee attack. Ellie will face many adversaries in The Last of Us Part 2, so it’s a wise decision to increase health to tolerate more pain.


Abby has her own set of skills in The Last of Us Part 2, and players are going to need an assortment of skill books and pills to unlock and utilize them.

4 Momentum

40 Supplements

momentum skill
  • High-Damage melee moves known as Strikes

This Close Quarters skill is an early preset into creating a build for Abby. When Abby kills an enemy with a melee attack from a stunned or surprised enemy, she will receive Momentum, meaning that her next melee attack will be a Strike, which acts as a high-damaging melee attack. Abby is a hard puncher, so Momentum makes even stronger melee attacks against scars and infected, just be careful not to punch a Clicker or a Bloater in the face.

3 Increased Health

30 Pills

abby increase health skill
  • +25% Supplements

It’s always necessary to keep health up, and Abby’s first Field Tactics upgrade will allow her to have an improvement in her health capacity. Whether it’s getting shot or being hit, Abby will be able to sustain more damage thanks to this easy-to-unlock upgrade.

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Naughty Dog's The Last Of Us Part 2 is one of the most story-heavy games around, and these other games will scratch a similar itch.

It’s always worth investing in health, especially since there are many troubles across humans and infected that could spell doom for the player.

2 Grabbed Enemy Movement Speed

50 Supplements

grabbed enemy movement speed skill
  • +50% Hostage Movement Speed

Using this Covert Ops skill means that players can move faster whilst they are holding a hostage. This allows for better movement when it comes to repositioning themselves, shielding from enemies, or attempting a stealth kill. This hostage movement speed increase will make kills quicker and more efficient, as well as positioning bodies in better spots for a stealth kill where no one will be alerted.

1 Aim Stability Increase

30 Supplements

abby aim stability increase skill
  • +100% Stability
  • +100% Accuracy

Abby’s best skill in The Last of Us Part 2 is in the Close Quarters tree, in which she will be granted double the stability and accuracy that she normally would have whilst moving. This is great for players on the move, which is something players might have to do more often than not due to the vast hordes of infected and the difficult battles with scars that Abby will face. An increase in aiming stability and accuracy will mean players will not miss as many shots as before, thus saving themselves ammo and time from reloading, which could mean the difference between life and death.

last of us 2 box art
The Last of Us Part 2

June 19, 2020
Naughty Dog
Action , Adventure