Upon the release of the hotly anticipated sequel to The Last of Us, a lot of fans were surprised that the game decided to put so much focus on a brand-new character in the form of Abby. Thankfully, she turned out to be a believable and engaging individual within the game's story. Abby is very different from Ellie. She has a cutthroat attitude for much of the game, before eventually seeking redemption by helping others and showing sympathy to those who are less fortunate than she is. The result a compelling character arc that many consider to be the highlight of the game's narrative.

Along her personal journey, Abby has her fair share of powerful quotes, some of which have become iconic among the fanbase. With The Last Of Us Part 2 Remastered being released, it's time to take a look at some of Abby's most impactful lines of dialogue, and why these quotes have remained so memorable.

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There have been a lot of awesome quotes sprinkled throughout the Fallout series. Here's a look at 10 of the all-time best.

7 "I Wish...Someone Loved Me Enough To Make Me A Stocking"

Abby Hints At Her Underlying Loneliness

Abby talking to Owen

While this line is thrown out as a quick response to Owen showing off his Christmas stocking, it hints at the loneliness that Abby experiences. She feels that some of her more reckless and selfish actions have driven a wedge between her and her friends.

Considering that Abby's father was taken from her at such a young age, it also reflects how she didn't receive this sort of care or attention throughout much of her life, while also struggling to express her emotions as an adult. While Abby says the quote in a somewhat sarcastic tone, it's clear that it's coming from the heart. It's an emotional bit of dialogue when considering everything she's been through.

6 "She Blew Up Trucks And Killed Some Soldiers, Not That Hard To Explain"

Abby's Sarcastic Charisma Is On Full Display

Abby and Lev looking at a shrine

Abby is portrayed as a ruthless character for the first few hours of her story. However, this cold exterior starts to wash away once she meets Lev, a young child who has been brainwashed by the vicious Seraphites and their Prophet. After a bit of exploring, the two eventually come across an ancient shrine, which causes Lev to kneel down and pray in the Prophet's name.

The Last of Us 2: All Journal Entry Locations

To find all the Journal Entries in The Last of Us Part 2, players must search in every nook and cranny to learn Ellie's innermost thoughts.

Abby, who is less than impressed by the gesture, questions why Lev is praying to someone so cruel and merciless as the Prophet has been shown to be. While Lev tries to justify their faith by claiming that she's saved plenty of people, Abby's comeback is priceless. She points out that all the Prophet has done, at least from her point of view, is destroy a few trucks and kill several soldiers. Even if Abby's guard is starting to lower at this point in the story, she's still as charismatic as ever.

5 "You Don't Get To Rush This"

Abby Takes Her Time Dealing With Joel

Abby holding a golf club

The decision to kill off Joel so early in the game was a controversial one. But considering how mercilessly Joel acted at the end of the first game, it does add some weight to the idea that he would eventually be punished for his own sins.

When Joel is held captive by Abby's friends, the man himself tells them to get it over with. Abby replies by saying that Joel doesn't get the privilege of "rushing" what's about to happen next. It is a haunting, but also very impactful quote, considering how nonchalantly her father was killed. It's easy to hate Abby for her desire to kill such a beloved character, but when looking from her perspective and seeing Joel as this monster who murdered her father, the quote makes a lot more sense.

4 "You Don't Think Joel Deserved What He Got?"

Abby Begins To Question Her Plan For Revenge

Abby talking to Mel about Joel's death

A big theme of The Last of Us Part 2 is revenge, and the vicious cycle it can lead to if people don't learn to forgive. Abby's hatred for Joel is understandable at the beginning of the game. But after she does the deed, she begins to wonder whether it was worth it, and ultimately, if it even changed anything.

The most obvious example of this mental battle is when Mel, one of Abby's closest friends, shows some hesitancy to approve of the murder Abby had committed not long ago. Almost in a plea for approval, Abby asks her if Joel "deserved what he got." Even this early on, she begins to question the thirst for vengeance that drove her to commit such an act.

3 "If It Was Me, I'd Want You To Do The Surgery"

Abby's Final Words To Her Dad Haunt Her Throughout The Story

Abby talking to her father

This heartbreaking quote is one of the last things Abby says to her dad. She encourages him to perform the life-threatening surgery on Ellie in the hopes of finding a cure that can help restore the world to the way it was. During this flashback, Abby is shown to be a sweet and idealistic young girl who sees the best in her father. Seeing how cruel and coldhearted she becomes at the start of the game, it makes sense given how much she must blame herself for her father's death.

The Last of Us 2: How to Craft All items

There is a range of handy items that can be crafted to assist various strategies and give players an advantage against enemies in The Last of Us 2.

While it was technically Joel who killed Abby's father, it's clear that she holds a lot of guilt from this conversation. It provides a perfect reason why she would be so dedicated to correcting her mistake, by hunting down the man who decided to pull the trigger.

2 "We Let You Both Live And You Wasted It"

Abby's Final Warning To Ellie And Tommy

Abby aiming a handgun

Abby may have been set on hunting down Joel, but once she reaches him, she makes it clear to both Ellie and Tommy that they are not the ones that she's after. She lets them go to escape the area. However, in an attempt to make Abby pay for her crimes, they both decide to go after Abby. In the process, they end up killing more than a few of Abby's friends, including Owen.

When Ellie and Tommy finally come face to face with Abby, she reminds them that she allowed them both to live. By coming after her, they've essentially wasted her mercy, because she's going to kill them anyway. It's a chilling quote that shows how the tables have turned, especially for Ellie. Her life after Joel's death has been filled with nothing but violence.

1 "I'm Not Going To Fight You"

Abby Sees Through The Vicious Cycle She Was Once Part Of

Abby speaking to Ellie while weakened

This single quote uttered by Abby right at the end of the game rounds off her entire character arc. She has finally realized that seeking revenge is going to just mean more and more needless killing. By this point, Abby has taken away the one person that Ellie loved more than anything. As a result, Ellie has murdered many of Abby's friends for revenge of her own.

After meeting Lev, and realizing that this violent cycle will only get more people killed, Abby decides to stand down when facing Ellie in their final confrontation. She proves that she's a different person from who she was at the beginning of the story. Another reason this quote is so impactful is because it portrays Ellie, who is supposed to be the good-hearted main character, as a dangerous killer. At this point, she doesn't see peace as an option, showing how much of a mental toll Joel's death has had on her.

last of us 2 box art
The Last of Us Part 2

June 19, 2020
Naughty Dog
Action , Adventure