The reviews arrive early for Sony and Team Ico's action-adventure title The Last Guardian, and fans can find out what the critics think about the game right here.

With positively zero chances of being delayed again, the nearly decade-long wait is almost over, as The Last Guardian is finally set to have its official release tomorrow as a PlayStation 4 exclusive. As is to be expected, hardcore fans will more than likely buy the game without thinking twice, but there could be some gamers out there who are wondering whether or not The Last Guardian should be considered a day one purchase, or if they should wait a while until it gets a reduction in price.

Thankfully, the reviews are steadily flowing in for The Last Guardian in order to help fans decide if it's worth their time. As it happens, many of the critics have been praising director Fumito Ueda's ability to provide the game with great visuals and imbue it with a fantastic story, but several have also walked away concerned about some of the game's flawed mechanics and controls.

Speaking of negative experiences with the gameplay in The Last Guardian, it's quite possible that developers weren't able to make the controls more fluid and fully intuitive since its build presented to the press earlier this year at E3 2016 by choosing to focus on plot and graphics instead. Whatever the case may be, there are also lots of positive aspects to take into account with The Last Guardian, as evidenced in the reviews below.

Game ZXC (Anthony Taormina)

Story wise and visually the game has a lot going for it, but mechanically there are some genuinely troubling areas. Everything works, but it is nowhere near as polished as it should be, and occasionally that lack of polish hurts the overall experience. The Last Guardian is going to be a memorable release; there’s no doubt about that. But its legacy won’t be quite what fans had hoped.

Score: 7/10

IGN (Marty Sliva)

The divide between the highs and lows of The Last Guardian is staggering. For every wonderful moment of absolute beauty and emotional attachment to its lifelike companion, there’s an equal and opposite baffling moment that ruins the mood with frustrating controls and camera angles. But I found myself willing to put up with all of these hiccups if it meant experiencing any of its multitude of incredibly-beautiful moments.

Score: 7/10

VideoGamer (Tom Orry)

For some The Last Guardian 's iffy controls, awkward camera, and glitches might be hard to overcome. Others won't care as they experience one of the most incredible relationships in video game history.

Score: 9/10

GamesRadar (Tom Senior)

A moving adventure starring an extraordinary companion. Framerate issues intrude, but don't let them stop you from finishing this wonderful game.

Score: 9/10

GameSpot (Peter Brown)

When the book closes on their story, it's hard not to open it up again and begin anew. The trials you overcome endear you to both characters, but the emotions Trico elicits make you want to give it another chance--to be the patient, effective partner it truly deserves.

Score: 9/10

GamesBeat (Jeff Grubb)

The final product doesn’t feel like a 2016 game. Instead, it’s this strange adventure that invites you to get lost in its world. I love that, and I think anyone who loved Team Ico’s previous games will appreciate what they find here.

Score: 8.5/10

Game Informer (Joe Juba)

Ultimately The Last Guardian isn’t about pulling switches or leaping over gaps. It’s about your smile when you see Trico doing something silly, your compassion when you watch it struggle, and your relief when the creature shows up at just the right time. That’s what you get here that you can’t find anywhere else, and it is enough to make The Last Guardian worth playing.

Score: 8/10

Time (Matt Peckham)

In The Last Guardian , Fumito Ueda is showing us how to bang out another kind of tune that makes something else move, something perhaps higher. It feels momentous, a design breakthrough I wasn’t expecting, and an experience that seems more likely to stand the test of time than others we like to point to. It calls out some of what’s crass about this industry while showing us another way forward, the shape of things to come.

Score: 10/10

Although The Last Guardian is imperfect, if the collective reviews are any indication of its ability to be enjoyed by both newcomers and those who have been following the game since its lengthy stint in development hell, it's safe to say that the title from Team Ico will at the very least satisfy those looking for an original experience. Naturally, though, with each person's interaction with a game being somewhat subjective, it will be interesting to see how the fans as a whole respond to the release.

Of course, it's a completely different story altogether when it comes to the notion of the reviews for The Last Guardian affecting the game's sales. Not too long ago, Sony Interactive Entertainment revealed that the title's pre-orders exceeded expectations, giving the company hope that it would go on to financial success. However, it remains to be seen if the reservations will then be translated into actual units being moved.

Taking all of this into consideration, one can easily infer that most fans of The Last Guardian are simply happy to finally see it get released. If anything, a positive launch for the spiritual successor to Ico and Shadow of the Colossus will hopefully allow Fumito Ueda and his team to continue bringing their signature style to the medium for the foreseeable future.

The Last Guardian is set to release on December 6, 2016 for PlayStation 4.