The slow-paced space-exploration game, The Invincible, follows the journey of Yasna – an astrobiologist trapped on the alien planet, Regis III. Yasna arrived on this planet with a crew of four skilled members, on a spaceship called Dragonfly. However, when she wakes up after her landing, she finds herself all alone.

She is tasked with a mission to find her crewmates – dead or alive. Dr. Gorsky is one of Yasna’s crew members who has a keen interest in exploring the mysteries of Regis III. As with other crewmates, Dr. Gorsky loses contact with the astrogator, and now Yasna must venture into the unknown to find him.

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Where to Find Dr. Gorsky in The Invincible

where to find dr gorsky in the invincible

The search for Dr. Gorsky starts when Yasna closely inspects the journal pages scattered on Koval’s lap and carries his body to the landing site. Koval was the last person in contact with Dr. Gorsky, the last missing crewmate.

From the landing ship, players should head northwest and go through the path beyond the arches. They should keep walking till they spot a field flag in the distance, which was planted by Dr. Gorsky. As players walk towards the flag, they should pull out Yasna’s tracker and follow the signal.

the invincible tracker

Unfortunately, it’s not Dr. Gorsky. The signal on the tracker leads to a Probe, left behind by Yasna’s crew. Novik instructs Yasna to activate the Teleprobe and pull out its slide records. Players can examine the slide records and report back the findings to Novik. Once they’re done, Yasna can finish booting the probe and give it a personalized name. The probe is Yasna’s companion on her journey to find Dr. Gorsky, which comprises five points.

Point 1

Players can slowly climb down the ledges and use Yasna’s metal detector to find the metal structures mentioned in the slides. If they scan the path on the right, they can find a thick, tangled metal vein underground. Continue following the metal vein till Yasna finds the branching. This marks ‘Point 1,’ as reported by Dr. Gorsky.

Point 2

Players can follow the right vein branch till they reach a metallic structure sticking out of the ground. This massive structure is ‘Point 2’ in Yasna’s notes.

Point 3

From Point 2 onwards, players should continue following the metal vein underground until they come across a water pond. There are more metal structures below the water. After scanning the area, players should continue by crossing over the pond.

Point 4

the invincible map

As they walk further away from the pond, players can find some footprints that presumably belong to Dr. Gorsky. Keep following the track and climb on top of the ledge. From up here, players will be able to see Point 4. There’s a flag in the distance, planted at a height of about one hundred meters. To go uphill, players need to continue through the pond area and follow the path straight ahead.

Players can refer to the map in Yasna’s journal if they think they’re stuck at any point.

Eventually, they’ll reach a lookout point from where they can see the Lander departing. Players should keep going uphill by following the metal structures. Once Yasna reaches the top, she’ll find the first flag planted by Dr. Gorsky.

Point 5

telescope view in the invincible

As she stands on top of the cliff, Yasna will be able to locate Point 5. When prompted, players can use the telescopes to look into the smokey distance and find ‘black bushes.’ The probe will map out a safe route for Yasna to reach the black bushes. Players can investigate these other-worldly plants and walk forward until they reach a tunnel.

Once Yasna enters the tunnel, a cutscene will trigger, showing Yasna’s first steps on Regis III. As the cutscene ends, Yasna wakes up inside a cave and can continue her search for Dr. Gorsky.

If players explore the cave, they’ll find a climbing rope left behind by Dr. Gorsky. Players can then use it to descend the ledge they’re standing on. As they head down, the player will get stuck in the middle with nowhere to go. Yasna can choose to either cut the rope and jump or try reaching for the probe. The probe is a better and safer option to go down as it reduces the falling distance.

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The City

Once they finally get down, players can continue walking to discover a ‘City,' which is made entirely of metal structures. Players should walk across the ledge and choose the left path. As they go up the slope, they can pass through a gap in the wall and continue walking along the metal bridges until they reach the field flag. Here, they can find a bunch of Dr. Gorsky’s abandoned things.

If players head to their right and climb down the ledge, they’ll be able to find a fresh set of footsteps to follow. Then, they can continue on the path to the left and cross the metal floors.

Players can use their detector to avoid falling through the fragile parts of the metal floor.

Finding Dr. Gorsky

As players keep walking, they’ll come across more of Dr. Gorsky’s abandoned things. If they continue forward, they will find a gap in the rocky wall. Squeezing through and using Yasna’s tracker will finally reveal Dr. Gorksy’s signal.

Players can follow the white dots until Yasna finds Dr. Gorsky’s backpack. Not too far from the backpack is another gap in the wall. If players go through the gap, they’ll find Dr. Gorsky lying unconscious under the metal rubble.

The Invincible

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
November 6, 2023
Starward Industries