
  • The Invincible is a hardcore sci-fi adventure game based on StanisĹ‚aw Lem's novel, where players explore a new world as scientist Yasna with her crew.
  • Yasna's character has evolved throughout the development process, embodying courage, curiosity, sensitivity, and intelligence.
  • The game includes deep philosophical themes, multiple endings, and impactful choices that shape relationships with characters, as well as atompunk tools and robot companions for exploration.

The Invincible is gearing up for launch this November, and that means there's one more hardcore sci-fi adventure coming for the gamers that adore exploring planets and finding the truth of what's out there. The Invincible puts players in the shoes of a scientist known as Yasna as she and her crew accidentally discover Regis III, a new world to explore that's based on the book of the same name by well-known science fiction author Stanisław Lem.

Game ZXC recently had the chance to discuss Yasna, her crew, and how their research ties closely into The Invincible's gameplay with the CEO, writers, and others at Starward Industries prior to the game's launch. In the conversation, the team discussed capturing the themes of Lem's novel and the difficulties of translating them into gameplay, the overall feel players can look forward to as they re-discover who Yasna is alongside the character, and more. This interview was edited for brevity and clarity.

CD Projekt Red Veterans Working on Sci-Fi Game

A number of CD Projekt Red veterans set up their own studio, announcing they're working on a new sci-fi game set to release next year.

Q: Tell us a bit about the player character, Yasna. How was this original character initially conceptualized?

Marek Markuszewski, CEO:Yasna's character was conceived even before the pre-production process. We wanted a character who embodies courage, humanistic ideals, and curiosity about the world. During production, “Yasna matured.” Certain changes were made to her concept. Yasna still retains her sensitivity while having a strong character.

Q: What has changed about Yasna throughout the development of the game?

Markuszewski: We were exploring several character styles for Yasna. Much of her attitude towards events depends on the player's choices. However, we aimed to create an inspiring, intelligent, likable character with a strong personality and empathy. In the final stages, we added a bit more energy and witty comebacks to her character. I believe this made her more relatable and well-rounded.


Q: Yasna is a bit of an amnesiac. Why was this something you wanted to include in her character?

Markuszewski:Amnesia intensifies the sense of danger and isolation, and it also allows the player to co-discover the character's past and earlier events. It's an engaging technique that immerses players in the narrative and gameplay.

Q: In Lem’s original The Invincible novel, the story focuses on the adventure of Rohan and his crew. Does Yasna’s journey create any parallels with this aspect of the story?

Magdalena Kucenty, narrative designer/writer: Yasna's story shares many similarities with Rohan's experiences from the book, both in terms of events and character psychology. In the game, we've incorporated several iconic scenes from the book, which become a part of Yasna's player-driven journey.

Q: Were there any key inspirations from space exploration history or otherwise for Yasna’s character design?

Wojciech Ostrycharz, art director: During the character creation process, we watched many documentaries, some of which were very moving, about the history of space exploration and the role of women in science and astronautics. So, in Yasna, there's a bit of every one of these stories. When it comes to Yasna's appearance, we drew a lot of inspiration from the history of astronautics from the late 1950s and 1960s.

Q: Can you fill us in on the crew that accompanied Yasna to Regis III (before the crash). Who are they, and what do they add to the story?

Olga Piech, creative/ writer:Yasna's crew consists of Novik, Krauta, Marit, Koval, and Gorsky. Each character has a distinct personality and style. They also hold different meanings for Yasna, which players can discover throughout the story. Marit is one of the first women who became an astronaut and holds great importance for women in science fields. Gorsky is an extraordinary mind with a penchant for daring actions. Exploring these characters during Yasna's journey to Regis III is an essential narrative element.

Q: Choice is a major component of the game, and there are a few choices tied to the crew. Ultimately, how does the choices related to the crew impact the game?

Kucenty: We don't want to reveal plot details, but I can say that the fate of the crew is in the player’s hands.

The Invincible Yasna Crew-2

Q: What can you tell us about Novik and his relationship with Yasna?

Piech: Yasna and Novik represent two different worldviews. Novik appears to be a conqueror type who wants to subjugate the universe to humanity. Yasna is focused on exploration and discovery. Yasna believes that Novik is a robotic servant of regulations. The astrogator doesn't completely trust Yasna's wisdom. Both of them change their attitudes toward the universe and each other during the course of the story. How this happens depends on the player's choices.

Q: Novik doesn’t seem entirely trustworthy. How did the team go about making sure that, from dialogue alone, Novik’s presence was felt and influential?

Kucenty: Novik is a complex character. We ensured a deep psychological portrayal of him. On one hand, he feels connected to the team and responsible for Yasna, but on the other, he grapples with his own biases and limitations. Throughout the game, the player will deepen their relationship with him, engage in philosophical debates, follow his advice, or... not, and these choices will influence the course of the game.

Q: The original novel presented readers with a number of thought-provoking topics, such as valor in the face of seeming hopelessness, humanity’s role in the universe, and more. How do you capture those themes in gameplay?

Markuszewski: One of our main mechanics is the dialogue system, which you can use to comment on reality, form your own opinions and react in the way closest to your emotions. You can also interact with reality and challenge the opinions of your astrogator. Most of the discussions you take part in are based on the philosophical dilemmas you mention, the ones which make Lem’s book such a great piece of art up to this day.

Q: The gameplay trailer states “Not everything everywhere is for us,” and Lem’s original novel deals with humans being outmatched by otherworldly forces. Given this framing and its Alien: Isolation influence as discussed before, does The Invincible include any survival-horror elements?

Mariusz Antkiewicz, gameplay designer: Although we did not use any survival mechanics or jump-scares, you can definitely sense an existential threat on Regis III. It’s much more subtle than in typical horror games, however you will often feel its presence at the back of your mind as you discover new phenomena on this eerie planet.

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Q: The Invincible’s choice-driven gameplay looks to give players different dialogue options to tell the story as they go along. How impactful and consequential are these individual choices in relation to the overall story and gameplay?

Antkiewicz: We designed the choice system to resemble the one you experience in life. Sometimes you will be able to name different formations on Regis III, and it won’t have any consequence apart from your enjoyment. Other times, when speaking with somebody, your words and actions will shape your relationship with that person, and in turn may impact what they will do in the future (both to your benefit or demise). You may also come across choices that seem insignificant at first, but will have great consequences later in the game... so be careful, and you just may get one of the multiple endings you can feel proud of.

Q: Making frequent smaller choices as well as more meaningful ones seems a big part of the gameplay experience. When encountering other lifeforms on Regis III, how often might combat become a choice, and if so, what combat options or tools do players have, such as the Weyr gun?

Antkiewicz: First and foremost, we wanted The Invincible’s gameplay to focus on the deep, philosophical storyline. The narrative is the driving force behind the gameplay. However, as Yasna, you will come across moments of conflict during your mission on Regis III. Apart from the Weyr gun, you will also encounter another well-known weapon from The Invincible novel... But we wouldn’t want to spoil too much. ;)

Q: Could you talk a bit about the game’s replayability factor? Beyond multiple endings, what may drive players back to The Invincible again and again?

Markuszewski: To feel the wonderful feeling of having amnesia and being lost on an unknown planet. But on a serious note, we really hope that players will be able to take a break from their everyday lives by diving into this atompunk world on more than one occasion. Given that The Invincible is a narrative experience with every element tailored to the story and player’s choices, it should be easy to get lost in individualized emotions and universal dilemmas present in the game.

Just as people love watching their favorite tv series for the second time, they may be inclined to replay The Invincible to visit Yasna and Novik, and accompany them again through their journey, but perhaps with different choices so that they can see how the story will unfold differently next time around.

Q: What types of atompunk, analog tools can players expect to use in the game and how do they work?

Michał Paciorek, level designer: There are a few atompunk devices that you will travel with most of the time, such as tracker, telemeter, lunette and detector. The tracker, for example, will help you locate your crew members or devices emitting signals, while the lunette will help you discover elements from a distance. You will encounter more astroequipment, such as radio relays and the Weyr gun, when you get to new locations or experience narrative twists.

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Q: Could you explain more about the AN-01 Helper Bot’s helper abilities and in what ways such robots might help the player as they explore the planet?

Paciorek: Even though Yasna will encounter various robot companions on her journey through Regis III, they won’t be always accompanying her on the mission. There is an irony to meeting an androbot on the planet. It was initially designed to be a ‘general’ helper for crews, performing easy tasks in everyday life of an astrobase. At some point in the game, however, you will be of more use to the androbot than it will be to you...

Q: It’s been previously said that Starward Industries did not want The Invincible to be perceived as a “walking simulator.” What differentiates The Invincible from this pseudo-genre?

Markuszewski:Walking simulators are usually imagined as games with little gameplay and narrative value, with a lower production budget and scope. In our case, we put an effort to create a realistic, hard sci-fi experience both in the gameplay, the visuals, and the narrative. You will interact with atompunk devices, robots and machines vastly different from today’s vision of the future, which adds to the overall excitement from playing the game. Also, The Invincible has a deep storyline focused on universal, existential dilemmas that make it memorable from the cultural perspective.

The narrative makes you question everything you know about science, human species and yourself. Apart from that, your story as Yasna is co-created by the use of a dynamic dialog system, which lets you define your values, opinions and shape the following events. We hope that these elements will distinguish The Invincible from the typical ‘walking sims’ of yesteryear, and the bigger, AAA-like style of the production will add visual polish to the whole experience, making players feel that they are immersing in something grandiose - not just in story, but also in looks.


The Invincible

The Invincible is a story-driven adventure game, adapted from the hard sci-fi works of Stanislaw Lem. Players will explore Regis III as Yasna, use tools to search for her missing crew, and face unforeseen threats.

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
November 6, 2023
Starward Industries
11 Bit Studios