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In an industry saturated with superhero storylines, The Imperfects faces great competition and yet still manages to carve out a unique niche for itself. Although definitely superpowered, these characters are not the typical heroes, and most would like nothing more than to be rid of their abilities, which suddenly pop up after some experimental genetic modifications begin to go awry.

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The twenty-something mutants now have to deal with treacherous scientists and deadly monsters as they try to find a cure, forming an unlikely fellowship in the process. The last few moments of the finale completely throw a spanner in the works, as all their progress seems for naught.

The Imperfects on Netflix is not associated with Marvel's comic of the same name.

7 What Happened to Owen?

The Imperfects Unanswered Questions Season 1 Owen Schultz and Juan Ruiz Netflix

Owen made it very clear from the get-go that he was in no way looking to get "fixed" but was ceremoniously expelled from the group after he attacked everyone. Peanuts disappeared for a while but popped back around just in time to get shot in the chest by a bunch of gangsters before saving Juan from, well, himself.

Owen is likely following a similar path to Tilda and is playing vigilante, although whether or not he intends on getting his fellow mutants cured is debatable. He has either remained in Seattle or returned to his home in Olympia (bets are on the former). Another, more sinister alternative is that Isabel Finch somehow got hold of Owen and is experimenting on him at this very moment.

6 Are Abbi and Hannah a Thing?

The Imperfects Unasnwered Questions Season 1 Abbi Singh and Hannah Moore Netflix LGBTQA+ Asexual

It is an ironic yet cruel twist of fate that Abbi embodies the abilities of a succubus, as the lustful desire displayed by those affected is the last thing this ace desires. As confirmed in the first episode, Abbi is asexual and is not comforted by physical interactions or passionate PDAs, which explains this scientist's aversion to experimenting with her own capabilities.

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It is important to note that, like with any LGBTQA+ member, not all aces experience the same stereotypical dislikes, and this is not indicative of a complete lack of romantic interest but rather a disinterest in intimacy (for the most part). Hannah and Abbi clearly have a connection, but Hannah knows better than to be overly affectionate. It appears that they have taken things to the next level by living together.

5 The Elephant in the Room

The Imperfects Unanswered Questions Season Abbi Singh and Juan Ruiz Netflix

After being "cured" for only a few months, Juan and Abbi suddenly start experiencing symptoms again, but this time, things are much more intense. While Juan appears to be stuck halfway through his Chupacabra transformation, Abbi seems to be undergoing thorough metamorphosis; cacoon and all!

The alleged cure possibly had an adverse reaction on the Wellness Programme survivors, causing their bodies to go into hyperdrive after undergoing a dormant, hibernating state. Alternatively, Finch could be behind all of this as part of her master plan to maintain a steady flow of monsters so that she can remain in authority at Flux.

4 What About Hannah?

The Imperfects Unanswered Questions Season 1 Hannah Moore Netflix

Even though Hannah was supposed to be the first recipient of the cure, things don't pan out that way, and viewers don't get to witness her transition back to "normalcy." There is little doubt that she, too, received the cure, considering her painful side effects. But when Abbi and Juan start transforming, Hannah seems perfectly okay (other than being completely shocked and horrified.)

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Hannah only had her superpowers for a short period and did not earn them as a youngster from Dr. Sarkov because her immune system rejected the stem cells. Whatever this alleged cure has done to Juan and Abbi's bodies seems to be ineffective against Hannah, but since her side effect does not physically present itself, viewers cannot know for sure if she is immortal once again.

3 Did Nate's Cure Also Backfire?

The Imperfects Unanswered Questions Season 1 Dr. Nathaniel Lang Netflix

The answer to this question is debatable because Nate essentially received different treatment from the Wellness Programme survivors to obtain his superpowers, and he also acquired a different cure. The medication that Tilda hands to him comes directly from the genius Dr. Sarkov himself, whereas the treatment that the rest of them took was a result of collaborating with Sydney (and Isabel).

Considering that Dr. Sarkov had no ulterior motive regarding the cure (other than keeping on Dr. Dominique Crain's good side), there would be no need to mess with the formula; however, the same cannot be said for Finch. There is, therefore, the possibility that Nate received an authentic solution to his monstrous predicament, although he could also still very well make a comeback for the sake of the storyline.

2 What is Finch's Plan?

The Imperfects Unanswered Questions Season 1 Dr Sydney Burke and Isabel Finch Netflix Mad Scientist

Is the fact that the cure's effects only last temporarily all a part of Finch's grand scheme? She did have a lot to say about the entire process, particularly once Flux captured Dr. Burke and held them hostage. Finch took it upon herself to be as disruptive as possible before suddenly becoming suspiciously helpful by revealing the perfect solution. If Sydney is cured, Isabel can no longer take control of the host body and essentially becomes a prisoner in her own mind, but with the way things have panned out, Finch now gets the best of both worlds.

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Whether her interests are still scientific or the allure of wealth and power have taken over is undetermined. However, the new Head of Flux has not put the breaks on genetic testing; she has hit the accelerator instead. Much like Dr. Craine's strategy, Finch likely wishes to keep up with monster creation for the sake of business, which is also why there are so many new mutants popping up who have no connection to Dr. Sarkov's Wellness Programme. Alternatively, she is simply Dr. Hallenbeck's puppet who has gotten her first real taste of power and runs with it.

1 Alex is...? What?

The Imperfects Unanswered Questions Dr Alex Sakov and Dr. Hallenbeck Season 1 Netflix

Nobody could accuse Dr. Sarkov of showing neurotypical behavior, and his unwavering loyalty to science (regardless of the ethical backlash) is not the most admirable characteristic. However, this redhead has much more in common with his experiments than he thinks. It appears his longtime friend and only companion has been deceiving Alex all along, as Dr. Burke (or rather, Isabel?) has been secretly working for Dr. Hallenbeck, presumedly, this entire time.

The super genius is actually a product of genetic engineering and cloning while utilizing Dr. Hallenbeck's DNA as the starting point, and was created to help stop humanity's inevitable, self-imposed extinction. Dr. Hallenbeck believes that curing AGDS may just save the world and subsequently created his own deranged minion to carry out the task. It is suggested that Dr. Hallenbeck is high up in the Flux hierarchy, possibly sitting at the very top, and therefore has more than enough resources at his disposal to ensure his mission is completed. New villain alert!

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