When a bunch of chronically ill children unknowingly undergo experimental gene therapy from a crazed scientist, what could possibly go wrong? While several of the candidates in The Imperfects may have been healed of their inflictions, once their medication stops and the synthetic stem cells begin to take full effect, their bodies begin to mutate with superpowered side effects.

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When a succubus, a banshee, and el chupacabra walk into a bar, are there any survivors to tell the tale? Unfortunately, the genetic experimentations with Nate, Maxwell, and Zoe deliver disastrous results, but not all members of the Wellness Programme were as tragic. While the majority see their enhancements as cursed afflictions, some superhero fans cannot help but assess the youngsters' newfound capabilities through rose-tinted glasses.

This Canadian-created Netflix series is not associated with Marvel's Imperfects and should be viewed as a separate entity.

5 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

The Imperfects Best Side Effects Sydney Burke and Isabel Finch Netflix Superhero Mutants

Dr. Sydney Burke is suffering from an extreme case of alter-ego meets Dissociative Identity Disorder, whereby her subconscious takes control of her body, altering her physique, thoughts and motives, everything. Initially, Sydney is completely unaware of Isabel Finch's existence but soon the pathway of communication opens up between the two. This does not, however, mean that they are on the same page, as conflicting interests regularly get in the women's way, unless both their lives are on the line, that is.

Finch is a hardcore assassination machine with the highest level of combative skills out of all The Imperfect characters, and thankfully, injuries sustained by Finch do not traverse over to Sydney (and vice versa). She possessed a detailed understanding of science much like Dr. Burke and is a keen, manipulative strategist with a no-nonsense attitude to boot. It took several months for Syndey's closest friend, Alex, to discover that Finch gained ultimate control of the host body, proving that her acting skills are advantageous too. In a logical assessment that focuses on survival (and not sentimental attachments to Sydney), this mutation is greatly beneficial.

4 Captian Copper

The Imperfects Best Side Effects Owen Schultz Captain Copper Netflix Superhero Mutants Peanuts

Owen Schultz is the most enthusiastic about his newfound abilities and takes his self-imposed superhero role quite seriously. This ginger's powers cause him to be immune to the attacks of his fellow Wellness Programme mutants and give him a general resistance to bodily harm. His impenetrable iron-hard skin can withstand brutal blows leaving nary a scratch, and Peanuts also appears to have an abnormally high pain threshold that allows him to tolerate the assault inflicted upon him (unlike poor Hannah.)

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Owen's synthetic stem cells overcompensate for his debilitating copper deficiency, however, they sometimes get a bit over-enthusiastic. Unfortunately, a copper overload creates a toxic reaction in his body that initiates a rage-fueled bloodlust of sorts and is the perfect catalyst for a villainous origin story. His copper levels can be reduced by chlorine gas, which could be useful or detrimental, depending on the circumstances.

3 El Chupacabra

The Imperfects Best Side Effects Juan Ruiz El Chupacabra Netflix Superhero Mutants Chupi

Get used to this guy's face, because Iñaki Godoy is due to play Luffy in the live-action adaptation of One Piece, and, if it's anything like his Imperfects performance, fans are in for a treat! Juan Ruiz's transformations initially conform to the Lore, as the young comic book artist only hunts down animals. Unfortunately, however, el Chupacabra's taste begins to diversify. The creature's bulking physique and formidable strength seem to be unmatched, as even Nate's overpowered beastlike form can't take Chupi down.

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Chupi has the capacity to be a good boy and is not always overwhelmed by bloodlust, as both Darcy and his niece (not to mention his mutant Super Squad) survived several encounters with the beast. As Juan learns to manage his abilities, he realizes that the werewolf-type changeovers do not follow the moon but instead directly link to his emotions, whereby his protective instincts are the catalyst. Juan also learns how to retain information from his Chupacabra adventures as opposed to the former blackouts, suggesting that he is gaining control over the monster.

2 The Succubus

The Imperfects Best Side Effects Abbi Singh The Succubus Asexual Netflix Superhero Mutants Gill Nye

Abbi Singh is the most resistant to embracing her superpowers, which is quite a bold statement considering some of the less-unfortunate cases to emerge from the Wellness Programme. "Jill Nye" has her own set of influential pheromones that overwhelm the victim completely, inciting strong emotions of lust, rage, fear, and likely more, with Abbi as the target of their affections.

Once the air-born assault has been activated, the ambitious scholar can intensify her brainwashing with mind-controlling capabilities, whereby those afflicted by her fragrance are compelled to carry out her verbal demands. Their automatic survival instinct is subsequently deactivated and Abbi's target will inflict bodily harm upon themselves (and their allies) or end their own life without a moment's hesitation. Additionally, the Oxford devotee appears to be immune to the effects of other vaporous elements, making substances like poisonous gas ineffective against the young girl.

1 The Banshee

The Imperfects Best Side Effects Tilda Webber The Banshee Netflix Superhero Mutants Punk Rocker Princess

Tilda Webber "gets all the cool stuff," although arguably, she paid dearly for her powers and suffered the greatest losses, which is fitting, considering her nickname. According to Lore, banshees wail from grief and heartache brought about by the death of a loved one, and poor Tilda first lost her beloved band and then her boyfriend, sending her down a dangerous path. This punk rock princess can create intense sound waves (above 100 decibels) powerful enough to shatter glass or blast her enemies away. If she is feeling more destructive, Tilda can amp up the sonic pressure of her attacks, either causing her victims to pass out temporarily, or turning their brains into pulp for a more long-lasting effect.

Tilda can manipulate sound so precisely that near-instant decay or damage on a sub-atomic level is achievable. Not all of Tilda's powers are harmful though, as her super-hearing has proven to be quite a useful way to gain valuable information by eavesdropping or ascertaining other people's positions and forwarning allies about incoming attacks. Her range is undetermined but highly extensive, and wait, there's more! The singer's hyper-sonic vibrational sensitivity can detect changes on a cellular level, turning the young woman into a walking lie detector. Tilda can also differentiate between individuals based purely on the unique resonations each person's body emits, turning her into the ultimate tracker too.

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