In the captivating world of One Piece, the World Government is seen as a supreme entity with immense power. Because while every country can govern themselves however they see fit, the World Government is the one democratic governing body that makes sure every citizen of the world gets to enjoy the same level of rights and benefits. Or is that truly the case?

There’s actually a complex web of power dynamics existing beneath the surface, challenging the notion of democracy. This article delves into the intricate layers of power within the series, shedding light on the illusion of democracy in One Piece, exposing the hidden power structures that shape its vast universe.

Related: One Piece: Everything You Need to Know About the World Government

The Legend of The Twenty Swords

One Piece Empty Throne Twenty Swords

The way politics works in One Piece is actually quite interesting. Because as mentioned earlier, every country can govern themselves however they see fit. Some may have a monarchy that has ruled the land for generations, while others elected a new leader every couple of years. In order to prevent any one country from ruling over the others and to ensure that everybody across the globe gets to enjoy the same level of security and basic human rights, the World Government acts as the one entity that rules everybody.

So who is the leader of the World Government? The answer is nobody. It all goes back to the legend of the twenty swords and the empty throne. It is said that about 800 hundred years ago, twenty biggest kingdoms in the world joined hands to defeat a tyrannical government and win. To ensure the world would be spared from such misery in the future, they decided to create a World Government, install an empty throne, and place the 20 swords, representing the twenty countries, at the feet of the throne. This means no one person may rule the world. Instead, every country will come and work together to make the world a better place for everyone in a democratic manner.

From then on, the world leaders will visit the holy land of Mary Geoise every five years to discuss the state of the world and add or remove any rules and regulations. This highly important event is called the Reverie. These leaders would entrust the result of their meeting to a group of overseers known as the Five Elders, whose in turn would choose a Commander-in-Chief for the World Government. The Five Elders would then appoint a Fleet Admiral for the Marine, based on the recommendation of the Commander-in-Chief. These three entities are the one who is responsible to uphold and enforce the rules and regulations that are agreed upon in the reverie.

The Marine And The Five Elders


The Marine is a highly influential organization tasked with maintaining order and enforcing the World Government's rule. They are the ones that go to the front line and protect the people and uphold justice for all. Needless to say, they wield significant power in the world of One Piece. The power that is placed in their hands by the leaders from around the globe through an impartial democratic process. So it goes without saying that the Marine has to answer to these leaders, whose in turn works for the betterment of their people.

Unfortunately, that couldn’t be further from the truth. After all, it’s practically impossible for the Marine to consult hundreds of the world’s leaders on every little matter that comes their way. So in reality, the Marine reports and answers to the Five Elders. That is why as the highest-ranking members of the World Government, the Five Elders represent the epitome of power and control. After all, these enigmatic figures hold immense authority and often make critical decisions that shape the fate of nations.

It’s not even an exaggeration to say that they are the ones who run the World Government. Because it’s clear that behind the façade of democracy, the true power actually lies in the hands of the Five Elders. Their influence extends far beyond what is publicly known, as they manipulate events and dictate the course of the world's history. Unfortunately, their decisions often serve their own interests, leading to questions about the true nature of democracy in One Piece.

The Great Imu And The Empty Throne

Imu Sama One Piece Role

The Empty Throne, a symbol of power and authority, remains unoccupied. It represents the unattainable pinnacle of power, reinforcing the notion that nobody should stand above others, and true peace and prosperity can only be obtained by working together. In reality, however, that is nothing more than an empty ideology. Because as we’ve discussed thus far, the Five Elders are the one who runs the world. What most people don't realize, however, is the fact that there is actually somebody that has been occupying the empty throne for quite some time now.

Recent One Piece chapters revealed that there is a mysterious and shadowy figure who holds unparalleled power and is revered as the ultimate ruler of the world, with an authority surpassing that of even the Five Elders. He/She is called the Great Imu. As a matter of fact, the Five Elders are the absolute subject of the Great Imu and will do everything they can to fulfill his/her whims and commands. They will massacre innocent people and wipe an entire nation from the map if the Great Imu told them to.

Nobody, apart from the Five Elders, knows about the existence of the Great Imu, and they plan to keep it that way. So while the world leaders racked their brains to make the world a better place during the Reverie, the one who runs the show is actually the Great Imu and the Five Elders. And this is why the democracy in One Piece is nothing more than a mere illusion.

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