The Forest documents the lives of Eric LeBlanc, who, after crash landing on a remote island in the middle of the ocean, is forced to find a way to survive. To make matters worse, Eric's son, Timmy, was taken deep into the woods by a cannibal. Eric must scavenge the island for clues as to Timmy's whereabouts, but progressing into the bowels of the island requires a particular set of tools.

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Eric can stumble upon a variety of different weapons and items to help him in his search for Timmy. The Rebreather will allow him to breathe underwater, the Chainsaw will permit him an easy means of vanquishing his enemies, while the Climbing Axe allows the loving father to ascend to new heights. Obtaining the Climbing Axe in The Forest can be quite challenging, but learning how to use it is usually much harder.

Where To Find The Climbing Axe

The entrance to the Ledge Cave (left) and the Climbing Axe embedded in a wall (right) in The Forest

The Climbing Axe can be found toward the back of the Ledge Cave. There are two ways to enter this cave, but the best way can be found at an abandoned campsite in between the lake and the giant sinkhole in the center of the map. There, the player will happen upon a rope leading into the ground and be given the option to descend downwards. Once they have reached the bottom, the only things standing between them and the Climbing Axe are a few cannibals.

Progressing through the Ledge Cave seems to lead to a dead end, that is, until Eric notices an axe embedded in the back wall. It's difficult to miss due to the area's lighting, but some players may assume the axe is more of a decoration than a useful tool. This thought is soon proven false, however, when Eric reaches out and pries the axe from the rock it rests in.

Using The Climbing Axe

Eric using the Climbing Axe in The Forest

Obtaining the Climbing Axe is easy if the player knows where to look, but figuring out how to use it is an entirely different story. It can only be used on certain surfaces, making its usages feel somewhat limited. That said, the Climbing Axe is needed to finish progress Eric's story and ultimately finish the game, even if there are some tricks to get around needing it.

Upon obtaining the Climbing Axe, Eric will receive a prompt from the wall it was once stuck in, granting him the option to climb. Once the prompt is accepted, Eric will enter into his wall-climbing state and lodge his new axe into the rock face before him. Scaling this wall is as simple as moving Eric in the direction the player wants him to go.

The only real problem with climbing is that the first-person view limits what the player can see. Because of this, most of the players may struggle to find an appropriate point in a wall to dismount. It can be difficult to tell what areas of a wall are climbable, but thankfully most climbable walls feature a rough path outline for Eric to follow. Not only does the Climbing Axe offer the best way to scale a wall, but it can also be used to cut off the limbs of cannibals.

The Forest is available on PC and PlayStation 4.

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