
  • Nicolas Cage confirms that he was on set for his cameo in The Flash, despite the poor quality CGI that has been widely criticized by fans.
  • Cage states that the suit he wore had a lot of effort put into it, but criticizes the final result of his cameo in the film.
  • While some suggested that AI was used to create the cameo, Cage denies this and agrees with Tim Burton's negative view on AI and its impact on art.

Nicolas Cage has revealed new details about his Superman scene in The Flash, which has been ridiculed for its poor CGI. Most fans have questioned if he was even on set or if they generated it with AI using test footage from the production of his movie.

The Flash quickly became one of DC's biggest disappointments, making less money than Ryan Reynolds' Green Lantern movie. In addition to being a box office flop, The Flash was panned by critics and fans for several reasons. Most criticism has focused on the lackluster CGI, specifically during the scene containing the most cameos. One of those cameos was Cage as Superman from his canceled film Superman Lives with Tim Burton.

All Cameos In The Flash

There are some exciting cameos in The Flash, many who will be instantly recognizable to DC Comics fans.

In an interview with Yahoo Entertainment, Cage revealed that he was on The Flash set, but the Superman scene he filmed was different. Cage said he was on set for only a few hours, confirming the suit was real and had a lot of time and effort put into it. He also said that he loves the director of The Flash Andy Muschietti, but he critiqued what they did with his cameo. Cage isn’t the only one involved with Superman Lives to discuss the movie. Burton had harsh words for The Flash movie, which Cage references in the interview.

“What I was supposed to do was literally just be standing in an alternate dimension, if you will, and witnessing the destruction of the universe. Kal-El was bearing witness [to] the end of a universe, and you can imagine with that short amount of time that I had, what that would mean in terms of what I can convey. I had no dialogue [so had to] convey with my eyes the emotion. So that’s what I did. I was on set for maybe three hours…When I went to the picture, it was me fighting a giant spider. I did not do that. That was not what I did. I don’t think it was [created by] AI. I know Tim is upset about AI, as I am. It was CGI, OK, so that they could de-age me, and I’m fighting a spider. I didn’t do any of that, so I don’t know what happened there.”

Cage seemingly had no idea what his Superman cameo looked like until he saw it on the big screen. However, he confirmed that it was not created by AI, as Burton and others had suggested. Cage said he agrees with Burton's attitude towards AI. “I know what he means. I would be very unhappy if people were taking my art … and appropriating them," Cage said. "I get it. I mean, I’m with him in that regard. AI is a nightmare to me. It’s inhumane. You can’t get more inhumane than artificial intelligence… But I don't think it [was] AI [in The Flash].”

Given the scene's poor CGI, many fans will be surprised that Cage was on set to film The Flash's Superman cameo. Muschietti has defended The Flash's visual effects as intentional, but most fans are unsatisfied with that response. At least fans saw Cage suit up as Superman on the big screen, even though many would prefer a better scene.

The Flash is available on digital platforms.

More: The Flash: This Superman Cameo May Be The Most Controversial

Source: Yahoo Entertainment