The First Descendant uses a class-like system but instead of typical RPG classes like knights and wizards, hero characters are stand-ins. The special heroes in this game are referred to as Descendants and players can choose between three at the start including Ajax, Lepic, and Viessa. After a while, players can unlock more with enough cash and materials in the bank.

The First Descendant: Which Starter Character Should You Choose? (Lepic, Viessa, or Ajax)

Here's a quick overview of the three starting characters in The First Descendant to help you choose which one is the best for you.

There are various ways to boost the stats of Descendants in the game including leveling up and equipping gear like Modules. There are Modules for Descendants and then there are Modules for weapons in The First Descendant. Here's a breakdown of good early types of Modules for Descendants to look out for.

7 Increase Shield

Boost Shield HP

Increase Shield Module in The First Descendant

Increase Shield will increase the barrier around players for a set amount. This one, for example, will increase the Shield’s strength by 15% before it collapses. The more damage it takes, the faster it will deplete.

Shields in The First Descendant operate the same way as they do in other shooters like Halo which brought the idea to the forefront. Players will know when a Shield is down based on flashing red lights. So, Increase Shield is a basic Module for a hero in The First Descendant but every little bit can help defensively.

6 Increased Defense

Boost Defense

Increased Defense Module in The First Descendant

Once Shields are down, there is another way to prevent the loss of a lot of health: Defense. Ajax, as a hero in The First Descendant, has the best Defense stat at the start. However, the other two characters can get good boosts from Modules like Increased Defense which may sound obvious.

The First Descendant: How To Get Caliber

Caliber is a premium currency available in The First Descendant, but buying some will require players to pull out their real-life wallets and spend.

The shown example can boost Defense by 22.8% which is almost a fourth stronger than normal. Some other versions of this Module type can boost other things like HP but they are rare. Overall, Increased Defense is the best type of Module to stand in for typical armor pads in RPGs even without extra bonuses.

5 Max HP

Boost Health

Max HP Module in The First Descendant

Finally, on the defensive front overall, players can raise their health via the Max HP Module. This example can boost it by 22% which is no joke. There are a lot of other ways for players to strategize in the game and to avoid getting hit beyond Modules though.

For example, all hero characters will come equipped with a grappling hook which is a neat feature in all games that use it. Players can zoom up high above the rest and start sniping enemies one by one. This won’t perfectly save players from losing Shield power or HP, but it can help.

4 Nimble Fingers

Reduce Skill Cooldowns

Nimble Fingers Module in The First Descendant

To get away from health and defensive benefits, let’s move on to more offensive strategies. Nimble Fingers is a Module that will resist cooldowns for hero-specific abilities. For example, Viessa uses ice for her magic-like attacks from launching icicles to creating tornadoes of frost.

Skills use MP and they also need to go through cooldowns after being used like in most looter RPGs. This example of Nimble Fingers reduces cooldowns by 6% which is a small amount but rarer models are better.

3 Technician

Boost Skill Power

Technician Module in The First Descendant

Technician is another Module that can turn heroes into more devastating mages. This will boost the attack power of abilities and this example will do it by 13%. Combining it with Nimble Fingers is a good strategy if players want to further lean into a typical mage build in other RPGs.

Of the three starters, Viessa truly is the best candidate to turn into a mage. She’s fast, has a good roster of powers, and has a good amount of MP from the start. Gear, besides Modules, can further strengthen her abilities too. It should be noted that Viessa is also good with weapons, so mage builds are only a suggestion.

2 Maximize Efficiency

Use Less Skill Power At A Cost

Maximize Efficiency Module in The First Descendant

Maximize Efficiency is a Module with a double-edged sword which is interesting because it is a rarity in the early game. Maximize Efficiency, or at least this example, will lower the cost of MP that skills use by 5.3%. However, it will also reduce the maximum MP.

The First Descendant: How To Claim Twitch Drops

Twitch gives out a lot of rewards for players who tune in to watch streamers, and this can lead to some enticing cosmetics.

Players will still come out on top as the MP will barely go down but it is something to consider. Players need to think about how all gear, besides Modules, affect one another and how to best maximize builds to create the ultimate Descendant to wreak havoc online.

1 Focus On Electric

Give Bunny A Power Boost

Focus On Electric Module in The First Descendant

To reiterate, every playable character has a special trait to them. The aforementioned Viessa uses ice while Bunny, the first unlockable Descendant in the game, uses electricity. Based on her design, elements, and speed, Bunny is kind of like Pikachu from Pokemon. Pokemon aside, some Modules can boost these innate elemental powers and Focus on Electric is one such example.

This example will increase the attack power of electrical attacks by 19% and reduce cooldowns by 6.1%. It’s a good deal for one Module but this is a pretty rare example. Players should keep an eye out for other elemental ones and put them in storage in case they aren’t useful right away.

the first descendant
The First Descendant

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
July 2, 2024
Nexon Games