THE FINALS offered players a wide variety of weapons in the beta, and after the release, Throwing Knives was introduced. Throwing Knives is a weapon that you can use as a Light Class, and we will help you master this weapon. This guide contains detailed information on how to use Throwing Knives in THE FINALS.

In this game, you can create your unique weapon set for every situation. Read on and find out if you should buy and how to use Throwing Knives in THE FINALS.

The Finals: Best Medium Weapons, Ranked

The medium weapons in The Finals are a well-rounded bunch that should suit many player's needs. Here's how they stack up.

What is Throwing Knives in THE FINALS?

THE FINALS: Throwing Knives

Throwing Knives are difficult to master but a powerful tool in the Light Build's arsenal. It was an unexpected update for the community, and with this weapon, Light Class has become even more dangerous and aggressive.

Should You Buy Throwing Knives in THE FINALS?

THE FINALS: Throwing Knives

Throwing Knives requires a high level of skill, as one misses and you're already a spectator. These knives can change the course of a match, especially if there are plenty of Light players on the opposing team. Throwing Knives cost 800 VRs, just like any other weapon in THE FINALS. If you feel you have mastered the game basics, you should definitely try this weapon.

The Finals: Crossplay Guide

Crossplay greatly broadens the matchmaking pool in The Finals, but there are some things about it that players may want to know about.

How to Play with Throwing Knives in THE FINALS

THE FINALS: Throwing Knives

This weapon has two types of attack, namely:

  • Quick attack - you throw several knives at once at high speed. You should use this attack only at close range, as it has a large spread. Each knife does 60 damage to the body and 90 damage to the head.
  • Slow attack - you will throw only one knife, which deals 70 damage to the body and 105 damage to the head. This attack works best at medium and long distances. After that, you can use a quick attack to finish off your opponent.

So, when you have mastered the Throwing Knives attacks, you can move on to the tips that we have prepared:

Use Evasive Dash or Cloaking Device Specializations

If you have played a few matches in THE FINALS, you know what is an Evasive Dash and Cloaking Device. If not, try them in combination with Throwing Knives. With this build, you can become a danger in the match.

Be Fast and Stealthy

No matter what weapon you have, playing as Light Class, you have to be incredibly fast and out of sight. Avoid encounters with Heavy, as they have much more health.

Combine Throwing Knives With Gadgets

Don't forget about grenades, gadgets, etc. Successful use of Glitch Grenade or Stun Gun and Throwing Knives can do a lot of damage to enemies during Cashout. Also, use Smoke Grenade or Flashbang to disappear from the enemy's sight.

the finals
The Finals

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
December 8, 2023
Embark Studios
Embark Studios