
  • The Finals, a popular online shooter, is receiving praise for its unique game show concept and high level of destruction that players can cause in the game.
  • A team of players attempted to level the entire map during a match, showcasing the game's fully destructive capability by leveling nearly everything.
  • While the emergent gameplay and destruction are highly enjoyable, some players have raised concerns about cheating and missing features like text chat in The Finals.

Pushing the destruction capabilities to its limits, The Finals players attempt to level the entire map during a match. Following its release in December during The Game Awards, The Finals has been enjoying a good amount of success and positive word of mouth from fans. The online shooter takes the form of a futuristic game show where teams of players compete in various objective-based modes that typically involve banking money either from stealing vaults or earning cash from defeating other players.

Outside of the unique presentation, one of the other standout elements to The Finals is the level of destruction the game engine grants players. Considering that Embark Studios was founded by former DICE employees, a studio known for the Battlefield franchise that also allowed players to destroy portions of its maps, The Finals seemingly pushes that further with fully destructive buildings, as well as some limited construction abilities like the Goo Gun, which not only provide emergent gameplay, but add a number of variables that could dynamically impact a match at any given time. One team attempted to push this engine to its limits by seeing how much chaos and destruction they could cause.

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In a clip posted by Sanizoor on The Finals subreddit, one player stood on the highest remaining building on the Seoul map showcasing that everything else has been leveled to the ground. Outside of a handful of base structures, the team was successful at removing the rest of the map, with only the base level left behind, giving the stage a much smaller feel than it was at the start. Helping in the effort was a special map event called Alien Invasion, which sees a UFO appear at random and use a tractor beam to cause even more destruction.

People reacting to the post noted their own experiences with others attempting to destroy large portions of the map, including one player who saw two Finals teams composed of three Heavy Build players going around and attempting to destroy any and all buildings, only stopping to kill the other team before resuming their mission. Others likened the clip to Battlefield Bad Company 2, a fan favorite DICE game that gave players the freedom to truly change maps by breaking walls and bringing buildings down during the course of a match.

While the emergent style gameplay is definitely a highlight for many players of The Finals, not everything has been positive to this point. Cheating has become a main topic for many players as aimbotting and other methods have interfered with all sorts of matches, including Ranked sessions. Even as Embark Studios continues to add anti-cheat systems, other players have highlighted missing features in The Finals including Text Chat, something which many have requested as an alternative to voice chat to help communicate with teammates during matches.