
  • The Finals, a new FPS game, has a cheating problem, with some players claiming that many cheaters are from China. The development team does not plan to region-lock China.
  • The game uses EAC as its main anti-cheat measure, but some players are already fed up with the cheating issue. The company is working to improve its anti-cheat system.
  • The game's community manager explained that the presence of Mandarin names on the leaderboard does not necessarily mean that those players are Chinese. The company does not support region-locking China due to concerns of xenophobia and racism.

The Finals' community manager revealed that the development team has no plans to region-lock China, following players' requests to do so. Although The Finals has enjoyed a largely successful launch, the new FPS game already has quite the cheating problem, with some claiming that most of these users are playing from China.

Following The Finals' December 7 release, the game got off to a hot start. Its fast-paced gameplay, satisfying mechanics, and unique presentation made it an instant hit with many users. However, like most multiplayer FPS games, it didn't take long for cheating to become a prevalent issue in The Finals. The game implements EAC (Easy Anti Cheat) as its main deterrent, and The Finals' website also claims that it uses additional anti-cheat measures, which it chooses to keep secret for strategic reasons. While it's probably an unrealistic expectation for a brand-new game to have a top-of-the-line anti-cheat system, some players are already fed up with the issue.

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Learn how to use Throwing Knives in THE FINALS in this quick guide.

In response to these complaints, The Finals' community manager, known as Momo, told players that they shouldn't expect China to be region-locked. He explained that a significant chunk of cheaters sporting Chinese usernames aren't actually Chinese, but are rather using the language's characters to make it harder to report them manually. He further detailed that the requests for region-locking China specifically has shades of xenophobia and racism, something that the company definitely doesn't support.

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Players countered that the top page of the game's leaderboard, which all contain unrealistically high stats likely obtained by cheating, are exclusively filled with Mandarin names. However, like The Finals' community manager explained, these players aren't necessarily Chinese. One user suggested that a strict ping-lock be implemented, instead of the more drastic region-lock. But at this time, it seems unlikely that The Finals will go this route, and will instead work on improving its anti-cheat system. Of course, a region-lock for China wouldn't be fair to the vast majority of Chinese players, who don't use cheats. Regardless of these issues, The Finals continues to receive new updates that aim to make the game as enjoyable as possible.

The interesting new FPS game has quickly become one of the most popular titles in the genre, as The Finals is outperforming industry titans like Call of Duty some areas. The Finals has positioned itself as a live-service game, so fans can expect updates and new content as long as the game remains popular.

However, the game's reception wasn't perfect at launch. Some fans claimed that The Finals' movement speed felt way off from how the beta felt. But surprisingly, The Finals' development team explained that no changes were actually made to its movement.

the finals
The Finals

Framed as a game show, The Finals is a free-to-play multiplayer shooter that also supports melee combat. Embark's FPS emphasizes destruction along with teamwork.

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
December 8, 2023
Embark Studios