In The Exit 8, an indie psychological horror game on Steam, players will find themselves stuck in a constant loop in an underground passageway, constantly returning to the same location with no end in sight. However, to get out of here, you'll need to spot small anomalies that will appear in your surroundings.

A lot of these anomalies can easily go unnoticed, without ever being discovered by the player, resulting in a never-ending cycle. You might also be wondering how you can find every anomaly to unlock the 'Residents of Underground Passage' achievement for the game. Whatever you're looking for, this guide will provide you with every anomaly in The Exit 8.

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How To Discover Anomalies in The Exit 8

Image of the guide in The Exit 8

The Exit 8 is a lot like the game P.T. created by Hideo Kojima, intended to be a precursor to a new Silent Hill title. When you first begin the game, you might be a bit confused by the instructions. The game tells you that if you notice any anomalies, you should turn around immediately. If you don't spot any, continue forward.

Image of the Exit 0 sign in The Exit 8

When you start, you'll want to head forward down the hallway facing the yellow Exit 8 sign. There will be a man walking towards you here. Continue forward until you reach the end of the hallway with a large yellow sign that says 'Exit 0'. The object of the game is to keep passing by this sign as it continues to increase in number, so you'll know you're doing something right if it says 'Exit 1', 'Exit 2', and so on.

The only area where you'll notice any anomalies is the main hallway with the man. The additional turns in-between here will not show any anomalies and only exist to tell you if you're on the right path. So, if you notice something strange down the main hallway that wasn't there before, immediately turn around and start heading back towards the yellow sign. You'll notice the number increase from 'Exit 0' to 'Exit 1' if you correctly identified an anomaly. Be prepared to get a bit frustrated, though, as this horror game will have you questioning your sanity.

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All Anomalies in The Exit 8

Image of the main hallway with the walking man in The Exit 8

Now that you're familiar with how to play The Exit 8, here are all the possible anomalies you can discover in the short but sweet horror game.

Walking Man Anomalies in The Exit 8

  • Fast Walking Man - The man walking down the main path will appear to be walking at a much faster pace. If you get near him, he will also start to follow you and chase you down. If he reaches you, the screen will go black, and you'll start at Exit 0.
  • Staring Man - The man will be watching you as you walk by instead of staring straight ahead.
  • Smiling Man - The walking man will be smiling instead of his usual neutral expression.
  • Large Man - The walking man will appear much taller than usual.
  • Disappearing Face Man - Half of the walking man's face will appear to be missing.

Poster and Sign Anomalies in The Exit 8

  • Repeating Advertisements - The advertisement posters on the left side will all be replaced with the makeup advertisement.
  • No Smoking Sign - Instead of there only being 2 No Smoking signs, you'll now see a ton of them covering the beginning of the hallway.
  • Creepy Grocery Store Ad - Among the advertisement posters, the grocery store one with a woman wearing a green apron will show her with a creepy face.
  • Turn Back Sign - After walking past the yellow Exit 8 sign on the ceiling, turn around and the white sign will say 'Turn back Turn back Turn back'.
  • Upside Down Exit 8 Sign - The yellow Exit 8 sign on the ceiling will be upside down and flipped.
  • Creepy Movie Poster - On the last advertisement poster on the left, instead of the usual movie ad, there will be a blue and black scary face.
  • Moving Security Poster - The security camera poster next to the advertisements will move along the wall and follow you as you walk forward.
  • Watching Eyes Security Poster - The security camera poster's eyes will be looking around. You'll also notice that the white part of the eyes will be messily filled in.
  • Growing Posters - All the advertisement posters will slowly grow in size. You'll need to sit and watch them for a little while to actually notice them growing, making this possibly the hardest anomaly to spot in the suspenseful horror game.

Door Anomalies in The Exit 8

  • Opening Door - The last door on the right will suddenly creak open as you walk by.
  • Missing Third Door - Normally, there are three doors found on the right. This anomaly will be missing the first door before the two that are paired together.
  • Slamming Door - You'll hear one of the doors on your right slamming loudly and repeatedly.
  • Peeping Through the Door - The middle door on the right will be cracked open with someone peeping through.
  • Strange Door Knob - The last door on the right will have its door knob placed in the middle.

Yellow Pathway Anomalies in The Exit 8

  • Additional Yellow Tiles - There will be an additional pattern of yellow tiles in the middle of the hallway.
  • Face Tiles - The yellow tiles on the ground will show faces instead of the usual lined pattern.

Lighting Anomalies in The Exit 8

  • Power Outage - The lights will completely turn off around you.
  • Flickering Lights - The lights all around you will begin to flicker.
  • Uneven Lights - The lights above you will be unevenly placed instead of straight.
  • Security Camera Red Light - The security camera above you in the middle of the hallway will have a red light on.
  • Scary Face - In between the lights on the ceiling, you'll notice a faint print of a scary face.

Additional Anomalies in The Exit 8

  • Two Men - There will be two men standing in the middle of the hallway instead of the usual walking man, similar to the creepy twins from The Shining.
  • Additional Staircase - Instead of the usual left turn at the end of the main hallway, there will be a staircase.
  • Black Goo - Some kind of black substance will begin to leak out of the first air vent on the right.
  • Red Waves - You'll begin to hear rushing waves and see red water coming towards you at the end of the hallway.
  • Hidden Wall Man - There will be a man up against the wall at the end of the hallway that blends in with the tile pattern. If you get too close, he will chase you.

The Exit 8 is now available on PC through the Steam Store, released on November 29, 2023.

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