The Elder Scrolls universe is one which is home to many different races, many of them playable. They each have their own unique lore and cultures, fleshed out in various titles such as Elder Scrolls Online. One of these races is the Bosmer, also known as the Wood Elves, whose customs can sometimes be considered morally abhorrent from another people’s perspective.

The Bosmer are elves who live in the forested regions of Valenwood, in the south of Tamriel. They might be the smallest of the existing elves, but they make up for this with their agility, speed, and natural affinity for archery. They are a popular choice for players who want to experience the game as a typical fantasy elf with an affinity for nature and magic. What players might not know at first, however, is how the Bosmer are ritualistic cannibals whose religious practices dictate every aspect of their lives.

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The Bosmer in the Elder Scrolls Are Strictly Carnivorous

Elder Scrolls Oline Wood Elf Bosmer

The nature god, Y’ffre, made an agreement with the Bosmer that, in return for their deep spiritual connection to nature and its various powers, they would adhere to very specific rules. The Wood Elves were forbidden from ever harming or consuming any plant material whatsoever. This covenant became known as the Green Pact, and it would impact every aspect of the Bosmer’s lives.

The only things the Wood Elves could eat or drink were products made from meat, milk, or insects. To this day, plant matter is not permitted to be harvested or used in any way for food. Their alcoholic beverages are even made from fermented meat or milk, and their clothes, weapons, and furniture are all crafted out of leather, bone, and sinew. Plant matter can’t even be used for smoking, as the Bosmer instead smoke bugs and grubs through pipes made of bone.

The only exception to this aversion to plant life is the Bosmer’s housing, as their dwellings are made from the roots and branches of still-living trees, the plants only being guided, never cut. However, if any Bosmer wishes to make use of building materials, they can use stone or even wood, so long as it is imported from outside Valenwood, and they did not harvest it themselves. Many Aldmeri merchants have made a fine living selling timber to the Bosmer, as it's the only access to the resource they have.

Before long, only eating meat led to the accepted cultural practice of eating people who were felled in battle, be them Bosmer or any other race. Many Wood Elves even fast before battle, preparing to feast on their enemies, as custom also demands they completely consume an enemy’s body within three days of their death. Because of this, those going against the Bosmer have to not only fight the Wood Elves, who make fierce warriors in their own right, but also protect the fresh remains of their fallen comrades.

What’s more, the Elder Scrolls' Bosmer maintain a specific ritual known as the Wild Hunt. This involves a number of Wood Elves who, in desperate times, transform themselves into constantly-changing eldritch creatures. These nightmarish monsters then destroy everything in their path before cannibalizing themselves. Most Bosmer don’t like to speak about the Wild Hunt, as, despite being something they all are capable of, it has grave and unthinkable consequences. However, a Wild Hunt is customarily called at the beginning of each era, as a self-destructive means to remember their race’s humble origins.

In Elder Scrolls Online, the Bosmer are part of the Aldmeri Dominion alongside the High Elves and the Khajiit. Naturally, both of the other races have had to come to terms with their smaller ally’s unusual custom regarding cannibalism and a strict reverence for plant life. But despite their differences, the Wood Elves have proven themselves as formidable combatants, their mastery of nature remaining unrivaled across all of Tamriel.

The Elder Scrolls Online is available now on PC, Xbox and PlayStation.

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