While the release date of The Elder Scrolls 6 is as yet still a mystery to fans, it has done little to kill the hype around the game. Fans of The Elder Scrolls series have been eagerly awaiting the next installment in the series since the release of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim over 10 years ago. Fans have, of course, been sharing leaks, rumors, and fan theories around The Elder Scrolls 6 regularly since its reveal in 2018, but these details remain unconfirmed. Despite being teased almost four years ago, fans have very little subject matter to go off when it comes to The Elder Scrolls 6.

However, with The Elder Scrolls 6 expected to be the next major Bethesda game after Starfield, fans may be hoping to gather more information over the coming year and beyond. A great way that this information could be teased to fans is through The Elder Scrolls Online, which has played host to a number of classic Elder Scrolls locations over the past few years. The Elder Scrolls Online’s various locations keep fans coming back for more, and a brand new one based around The Elder Scrolls 6 could bring in all kinds of fans of the series. It is even possible that fans can get a taste of what The Elder Scrolls 6 will have to offer right now.

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The Elder Scrolls 6 in The Elder Scrolls Online

An image of the Tamriel map in the background with the Elder Scrolls 6 logo in the foreground.

Nestled within The Elder Scrolls Online just may be the key to fans gaining an insight into the next Elder Scrolls title. Fans already have some idea as to the setting of The Elder Scrolls 6 thanks to some stellar detective work from gamers along with a couple of helpful hints contained within trailers. While of course, the setting of The Elder Scrolls 6 is still unconfirmed, fans can say with a fair degree of certainty that The Elder Scrolls 6 will take them to Hammerfell and High Rock. This theory was seemingly confirmed in Starfield’s teaser trailer, which showed a map scrawled on the side of a terminal that bore a striking resemblance to Hammerfell and High Rock.

With this setting seemingly all but confirmed, it’s time for fans to turn their attention to The Elder Scrolls Online, which just happens to have both locations already within the game. As things stand, players can already get a taste of The Elder Scrolls 6 before it has even been fully revealed. This offers fans a great chance to become familiar with the location, and perhaps some of the lore behind The Elder Scrolls 6, before they get their hands on it in the future. Moreover, it offers Bethesda a potential opportunity to tease aspects of The Elder Scrolls 6 before the big reveal takes place.

The Elder Scrolls Online Should Tease The Elder Scrolls 6

elder scrolls online hammerfell

As is shown from the Easter Egg in Starfield’s teaser trailer, Bethesda is open to occasionally teasing fans. With this in mind, along with the fact that The Elder Scrolls 6’s apparent location is in The Elder Scrolls Online, it seems possible or even likely that this could be the platform for a future teaser. Exactly what form this teaser could come in is questionable, as an all-out introduction to the story of The Elder Scrolls 6 is rather unlikely. Something more along the lines of what can be seen in the Starfield trailer may satisfy fans’ urge for information without spoiling too much of the next game in the series.

The Elder Scrolls Online offers a perfect opportunity to put a few Elder Scrolls 6 fan theories to bed while maintaining an element of mystery. Fans seem to be fairly confident in their convictions that Hammerfell and High Rock are the locations for The Elder Scrolls 6, although some have theorized other locations, while the time period is entirely up in the air. Adding new quest lines in Hammerfell and High Rock could be a good way to tease aspects of the game without confirming anything. This should keep the hype train in motion until more information is officially revealed.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development.

MORE: Why Elder Scrolls 6 May Still Be in Pre-Production