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The Elder Scrolls News

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Unlucky Skyrim Player Bullied by Draugr

During a dungeon run, an unfortunate Skyrim player shares a video of their fight against a group of draugr that kept them from counterattacking.

Funny Skyrim Clip is Straight Out of The Matrix

A Skyrim player online experiences a hilarious moment, in which an NPC dodges an arrow with a dodge straight out of The Matrix.

skyrim whiterun guard inexplicably shows up on solstheim
Skyrim Player Discovers Whiterun Guard in Unexpected Place

A recent incident in Skyrim shows a Whiterun Guard inexplicably greeting the Dragonborn in a location completely outside Whiterun's jurisdiction.

Elder Scrolls Fan Creates Incredible Painting of White-Gold Tower

An artist captures the iconic White-Gold Tower from The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion in an awe-inspiring painting of Cyrodiil's Imperial City.

Skyrim Mod Gives One of the Game’s Menus a The Witcher 3-Inspired Overhaul

A brand-new mod for Skyrim overhauls one of the game's menus, taking heavy inspiration from CD Projekt Red's The Witcher 3 to give it a modern touch.

skyrim archer kills unexpected target
Hilarious Skyrim Clip Shows Archer Hit Unexpected Target

With an enchanted Daedric Bow in hand, one Skyrim player attempts to kill their target, only for the arrow to find an altogether different mark.

Scary Skyrim Glitch Makes Player's Eyes Glow Like Draugr

A Skyrim player discovers a terrifying glitch in Bethesda's RPG, which causes their character's eyes to glow brightly like draugr.

Skyrim Bear Saves Player from Frost Troll

One Skyrim player discovers and shares a random encounter in the game that ended up saving them from a vicious fight with a Frost Troll.

Skyrim Player Discovers Neat Shout Detail After 10 Years of Playing

A Skyrim player discovers a detail about one of the Dragonborn's shouts for the first time after playing the game for close to a decade.

Skyrim Fan Creates Real-Life Box That Requires Lockpicking Skill

A Skyrim fan creates an impressive real-life gift box that includes the Lockpicking mini-game which requires some prior knowledge to open.

Hilarious Skyrim Clip Shows Why Players Should Never Open a Book While Slow Time is In Effect

A Skyrim player tries to open a book while using Slow Time, hilariously demonstrating why the two don't exactly mix that well.

Cute Skyrim Cross Stitch Pokes Fun at Carry Weight

A talented Skyrim player shares their awesome dragon bone cross stitch, which makes light of the game's carry weight mechanic.

Oblivion Fan Remake Skyblivion Reveals New Update on Development

The fan-made remake of Oblivion in Skyrim's engine, Skyblivion, provides a new update on its ongoing development as fans wait in anticipation.

Hilarious Skyrim Mod Allows Twitch Chat To Speak For NPCs

A Twitch streamer creates a Skyrim mod that allows their chat to control the dialogue of the in-game NPCs, with predictably hilarious results.

A screenshot of two characters in Fallout 4 holding weapons.
Bethesda Wants to Release Games at a Quicker Rate

Bethesda Executive Producer Todd Howard discusses his studio's future, including how he would like more games to be released in a shorter time.

Amazing Skyrim Painting Imagines Winterhold Before The Collapse

A very talented Skyrim player online shares their painting of Winterhold, which imagines the city prior to its massive collapse.

Skyrim Glitch Makes Markarth River Disappear

A Skyrim player online finds an extremely unique bug, which causes the entire river in Markarth to seemingly disappear into thin air.

The Elder Scrolls Online Details Fix for Login Issues and Compensation for Impacted Players

ZeniMax Online Studios outlines how it will deal with the incident that led to several The Elder Scrolls Online accounts being locked.

Rumor Bethesda Studio Shut Down by Microsoft
Rumor: Bethesda Studio Shut Down by Microsoft

New reports indicate that Microsoft may have shut down one of Bethesda's studios as part of the layoffs announced in January.

Skyrim Speedrunner Goes From Level 0 to Destroying the Ebony Warrior in 12 Minutes

A talented Skyrim player figures out a route that allows them to defeat the powerful Ebony Warrior boss within 12 minutes of starting the game.