As all good RPGs should have, The Elder Scrolls series has plenty of playable races to choose from in its various games. Players can choose between "Manish" species like the Bretons, beast-like species such as the Argonians, or a range of Elven races, each with their own distinct visual characteristics and abilities. However, the Elder Scrolls franchise is vast, and there's over 10 different types of Elf across the five mainline entries and spinoffs, meaning there's a lot to remember.

The Elven races, also referred to as Mer, are some of the oldest races in all of Nirn, having lived there for centuries before Manish species roamed the planet. Over time, the different tribes of Mer began to split off, eventually creating their own factions, and gaining new sets of skills to survive on their own.

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The Aldmer

Aldmeri soldiers from The Elder Scrolls Online

The Aldmer, also known as the "First Folk," are the very first Elven race, originally settling in the Summerset Isle during the Merethic Era. The Aldmer are widely considered to be the first highly intelligent race in Nirn, with the ancient Beast species refraining from using any forms of technology.

The Aldmer are all but gone in the modern age of the latest Elder Scrolls games, with their various factions splitting off and becoming their own types of Mer over time. But there is one Elven faction that strives to keep the Aldmeri traditions and way of life alive in the modern age.

The Altmer/High Elves

6- Skyrim Altmer

The Altmer, also known as the "High Elves," reside in the Summerset Isle, and can immediately be recognized from their golden complexion, and their tall stature. The High Elves have embraced their Aldmeri heritage, and aim to keep it very much alive, apparently going so far as to selectively breed to ensure that children pass on the physical traits of the Aldmer. The Altmer have garnered a reputation across Tamriel as being rather arrogant, openly considering themselves to be the most sophisticated race around.

The Altmer are known for their impressive ability to master the art of the arcane, although, ironically, their only real weakness as a race is the magic they wield. Many Altmer spend their extended life-spans learning all there is to know about magicka.

The Ayleid/Wild Elves

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The Ayleids, also called "Wild Elves," were one of the first races to break away from the main Aldmer race, creating the first empire in Tamriel. The Ayleids spread their influence across the land, eventually taking control of the province that became Cyrodiil, and founding the Temple of Ancestors, which later became the Imperial City.

The Ayleids are often credited with mastering the art of Alteration, and used their magical prowess to construct monumental underground cities, which can still be found across Cryrodiil in the modern age. Despite the folk legends, the Ayleids have all but vanished, with their empire falling in the early part of the First Era.

The Chimer/ Changed Ones

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The Chimer, also referred to as "The Changed Ones," left the Aldmer to seek out the land of Morrowind. With the prophet Veloth, and some Daedra voices guiding their way, they landed in Morrowind, and began a new Elven civilization that centered around ancestral worship.

The Dunmer/Dark Elves

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Following a curse, the Chimer race were permanently transformed into the Dunmer, a largely dark-skinned, red-eyed race that's commonly referred to as "Dark Elves" by the people of Morrowind. The Dark Elves are widely known for their combat proficiency, being skillful with both a sword and bow, as well as a breadth of Destruction magic. Dark Elves are often considered a little more stand-offish than the other Elven races, but have very strong familial bonds with their clan.

The Bosmer/Wood Elves

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The Bosmer, widely called "Wood Elves" by those in the Empire, abandoned the Aldmeri people to live more closely with nature. The Bosmer tend to be one of the more agile Elven races, leading to many becoming thieves or scouts for larger armies. The Bosmer also have an extreme talent for archery, with old legends claiming that they may have even invented the weapon.

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The Orcs

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The Orcs are generally considered to be descended from an ancient mountainous race of Elves, but do share traits with both the Goblin and Beast races. The Orcs were widely feared across Tamriel, but eventually rose to prominence during the reign of the Empire, where their natural talent for smithing and hand-to-hand combat became highly sought-after.

The Dwemer/ Dwarves

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The ancient Dwemer race, referred to as "Dwarves" by the Manish races of Tamriel, is one of the most mysterious factions in all of Elder Scrolls, with much of their history still unknown. While stories have been written for centuries, perpetuating various myths about the race, no one really knows why they left the Aldmeri, or what they did after. The only real evidence of the Dwemer's actions is the ruins of their impressive underground cities and technology.

The Falmer/Snow Elves

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A faction that found a home in Skyrim, the Falmer, also known as "Snow Elves," have a striking appearance with pale skin and white hair. The Falmer are essentially immune to the cold, and are talented archers.

In the ancient age, a large portion of the Falmer residents in Skyrim were tricked by their Dwemer cousins, and fed poison, which made them blind. The descendants of these blind slaves, now being viewed as a barbaric race, are what modern age Skyrim citizens refer to as Falmer, with the term Snow Elf being used to refer to the original, non-deformed race.

The Left-Handed Elves

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An ancient enemy of the Redguards/Yokudans, the Left-handed Elves have been all but wiped out. During a fierce war, the Left-Handed Elves were pushed back into the sea by the Yoku people, who harbored a strong hatred for the elves. This hatred spurred the Yoku warrior Ra Gada to destroy any and all Elven colonies found along the coast of Hammerfell.

The Maormer/Sea Elves

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The Maormer can be found on an island south of the Summerset Isles, named Pyandonea. As the Maormer have spent their entire lives in and around the sea, they are often called "Sea Elves," and can be immediately recognized due to their fin-shaped ears, and colorless, chameleon-like skin.

Some Maormer, known as "Leviathans," are extremely tall and broad creatures that appear scaly. Leviathans have adopted a more Beast-like posture, slithering around in water like a snake, as opposed to using their hands or feet to swim. Leviathans also have a habit of eating their prey whole.

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