
  • Skyrim's factions offer diverse questlines, from the Blades to the Thieves Guild, creating hours of engaging content for players.
  • The Psijic Order, a mysterious group of powerful mages, is a key element in Skyrim's College of Winterhold questline.
  • The Elder Scrolls 6 could delve deeper into magic with new spells and a potential focus on the enigmatic Psijic Order, enhancing gameplay.

The Elder Scrolls is a popular series developed by Bethesda, and one of the top-selling series in the world, putting the fledgling developer on the map over its decades-long history. Skyrim, which is the fifth macro-installment of the series, is widely considered a classic, with a vivid section of the world of Tamriel being fleshed out and fully explorable by the player through the Dragonborn’s point of view. While Skyrim has some incredible variety and world-building, many are still eager to explore the other factions present in Tamriel.

One of Skyrim’s many strengths is the fact that many factions have their own fleshed-out storylines which the player can participate in. From the Blades to the fan-favorite Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, there are hours upon hours of questlines featuring different groups and their impact on Skyrim and Tamriel as a whole. However, ever since The Elder Scrolls’ Skyrim was first released, there have been major questions surrounding one of the series’ most mysterious groups: the Psijic Order.

The Elder Scrolls 6 Shouldn't Leave All of Skyrim's NPCs Behind

Skyrim has a set of important NPCs that The Elder Scrolls 6 should integrate or at least honor through statues or book entries.

What The Psijic Order Could Look Like in Elder Scrolls 6

The Psijic Order is a group that has yet to be explored in the series lore, especially as they were first mentioned in The Elder Scrolls: Arena and had their first direct involvement in Skyrim, and the only other information available about the rest of their history is their presence in The Elder Scrolls: Online. These brief appearances showcase the group’s impact on Tamriel, as well as their association with other major groups, including the Altmer and the mages at the College of Winterhold. The next installment in the game could flesh out this group even more, including the ways they’ve influenced the history of the in-game world, and potentially allowing the player to join them to become a master mage in their own right.

The Psijic Order’s Presence in Skyrim

The Psijic Order is a powerful group of mages that have been present in Tamriel for hundreds of years, before they suddenly vanished without a trace. Skyrim proves that they’re still active, however, as the Psijic Monk Quaranir plays a major role in the final quests of the College of Winterhold questline, aiding the player to use the Eye of Magnus that is crucial to the storyline. It’s immediately clear that this ancient and secret group possesses knowledge that is far beyond both the player and even the most knowledgeable people in Skyrim, with an incredible potential for deep questlines in the future, exploring more of Tamriel’s ancient history and the place magic has within it.

How Magic Can Be Fleshed Out In The Elder Scrolls 6

Magic has always been a core gameplay mechanic in each installment of the series, as well as an important part of the lore, as mages and sorcerers alike wield this power to rule the lands of Tamriel. With the introduction of the Psijic Order, Skyrim made it clear that the powers and knowledge related to magic go deeper than players realize, and The Elder Scrolls 6 can capitalize on this to incorporate new and fresh spells, deepening the impact that magic could have on the game’s world. Utilizing newer elements, including wind and more powerful fire spells, is a good place to start.

Being able to wield more powerful and more destructive spells while playing any Psijic Order quests would serve as an incredible motivation to explore this next game! There are more likely newer and more powerful enemies waiting to face the community in The Elder Scrolls’s sixth installment and fans would definitely require stronger spells to fight against them. Making the player feel more empowered than ever will make the gameplay better too, especially as the sequel finds ways to build on the Dragon Shouts from Skyrim.

elder scrolls 6
The Elder Scrolls 6
PC , Xbox (Original)
Bethesda Game Studios
Bethesda Softworks