
  • Skyrim NPCs, like Jarl Baalgruf and Paarthunax, are complex and add depth to the game experience.
  • Players keep returning to Skyrim due to its replay value and diverse character options for each run.
  • TES 6 should integrate memorable Skyrim followers like Cicero and Serana for a more immersive experience.

Even though The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim’s non-player characters (NPCs) have dated AI, they still have a lot of personality. Some players like Jarl Baalgruf because he’s such a complicated character, stuck between two sides in a civil war. The same can be said about Paarthunax, who overcame his nature as a dragon to redeem himself and help humanity. Even the side characters like the Mallory brothers and M’aiq the Liar bring so much color into the game. There are even Skyrim NPCs that are so valuable to the player experience that they should have at least a tiny role in The Elder Scrolls 6.

The official announcement for The Elder Scrolls 6 was uploaded over six years ago, with little to no updates after that. Therefore, players often resort to replaying the latest mainline title, Skyrim, over and over. After all, it has a lot of replay value, as players can try out a different build per run or even mod the game to their heart’s content. People are still consistently playing this decade-old title, which is why some of its best aspects, like remarkable NPCs, should be integrated into TES 6, or at least be given a nod. It wouldn’t be the first time Bethesda would do it, with the latest example being Morrowind’s Jiub being referenced in Skyrim through the Soul Cairn.

The Elder Scrolls 6's Magic Can't be Exactly Like Skyrim's

Skyrim overhauled combat from previous games and improved it in many ways, but The Elder Scrolls 6 could take some lessons from earlier games.

Why the Elder Scrolls 6 Should Reference Skyrim’s Followers

Whether players admit it or not, Skyrim’s followers are one of the most useful and entertaining elements of the game. They’re great for tanking damage, carrying extra items, and even dealing big damage for tough fights. Some of the best ones include:

  • Cicero: This follower might seem brash and unhinged, but he’s the player’s best bet for stealth. Unlike the default follower, Lydia, Cicero can use his Dark Brotherhood training to sneak without attacking every guard in sight on his own or accidentally setting off a trap.
  • Serana: This DLC follower is excellent for those who want an NPC who can deal massive damage. She can cast spells from afar and resurrect enemies into allies, which is great for fights with multiple opponents and bosses.
  • Lydia: She’s great in that the player gets her loyalty for free from the main quest. No DLCs, no faction-related questlines needed. Lydia also rushes into every enemy she sees, so she’s great for drawing enemy aggro. Newer players often stick with her since she’s a great fighter that never gives up.
  • Honorable Mention - Barbas: Players encounter this cute dog, who also happens to be a loyal companion of the Daedric Prince Clavicus Vile, during his quest to help his lord. He’ll help the Dragonborn ward off enemies and even tank some damage. He’s also immortal, unlike most of the other companions, so the player doesn’t have to worry about him. The issue is that he’s not a companion that one can just hire. They can only stay with him during his questline, which they can just forgo finishing to keep Barbas.

Each follower has a unique personality, ranging from the reserved housecarls like Lydia to the talkative, yet wise, Serana. Once a player finds their ideal follower, they’ll likely stay with them, resulting in hours and hours of fights and exploration together. As such, it’s no surprise that some players feel attached to them.

These loyal and unflinching followers should have a place in The Elder Scrolls 6. Lydia, the default follower, can be honored as the steadfast housecarl who stuck with the Dragonborn through hell or high water in their quest to defeat Alduin and bring peace to the province. A statue of her with the Dragonborn in a prestigious palace or just a nod in the books mentioning the events of Skyrim would be great. The immortal Serana could appear in future vampire or Dawnguard quests, while Cicero could be a Spectral Assassin summon, like Lucien Lachance was in Skyrim. The more generic followers could even have their descendants be the companions for TES 6, showing how skills and professions are passed on through generations.