
  • The release date of The Elder Scrolls 6 is still a mystery, and any announcement would generate excitement among Bethesda fans.
  • The date November 11, 2026, could be a potential release date for The Elder Scrolls 6, as it would be both early and significant, coinciding with Skyrim's 15th anniversary.
  • The gap between Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls 6 will be the longest in the franchise's history, regardless of when the game is released.

There is one release date that The Elder Scrolls 6 could aim for that could make an impact on multiple levels. As the long-awaited continuation of one of Bethesda's flagship franchises, any release date announcement for The Elder Scrolls 6 would likely inspire excitement. While that would be big news for any Bethesda fan, The Elder Scrolls 6's release could mean more than simply launching the next game in the franchise. The developers could tactically choose a date that would have the biggest impact. Where The Elder Scrolls 6 is concerned, one release date would be perfect.

It has been years since The Elder Scrolls 6 was announced, and the game's release date is still a mystery, as are most details about the game. Now that Bethesda has released Starfield, it's likely that speculation about the game and its eventual release will only grow further. While Elder Scrolls Online has been receiving continued updates and service, the main series titles will likely always be the biggest draw. This is especially true considering that The Elder Scrolls 6 will have to follow the phenomenon that was Skyrim. Once Elder Scrolls 6 gets a proper release date, it's sure to make headlines across the industry.

No matter when The Elder Scrolls 6 releases, the at least 13-year gap between it and Skyrim will be the largest wait between installments in Elder Scrolls history.

The Elder Scrolls 6 Has the Perfect Blueprint for New Perks

The Elder Scrolls 6 can look to Bethesda's past successful games and franchises to create the perfect blueprint for its perks system.

The Elder Scrolls 6 Has a Perfect Release Date in the Future

Hearthfire House

Elder Scrolls 6 Should Aim For November 11, 2026

When it comes to the time frame when The Elder Scrolls 6 could release, there is one date that may be a better choice than any other: November 11, 2026. It's a date that's just under three years away, and considering how little information has been given out regarding The Elder Scrolls 6, combined with Starfield's development cycle, that seems like a date that may be too soon. Seeming a bit early doesn't mean that it's entirely out of the question when it comes to The Elder Scrolls 6's release, though. At this point, there simply isn't enough information to disprove it yet.

A 2026 Release Would Be Ahead of Expectations for Elder Scrolls 6

November 11, 2026, may be a good release date because of its earliness. After all, Grand Theft Auto 6's first trailer foretold a 2025 release date after first airing in December 2023. Since GTA 6 has a similar degree of hype, if not more than The Elder Scrolls 6, then it's not out of the realm of possibility that an Elder Scrolls 6 trailer could give out a similar timeframe. Not to mention, since the game isn't expected to come out for several more years, revealing that it's only two years away would be a cause for celebration for players eager to visit Tamriel again.

Elder Scrolls 6 Can Celebrate Skyrim's Anniversary

There's a second meaning to the date that holds even more weight than an early release. The best way to pay tribute to the series-defining legacy of Skyrim may be to tie it into The Elder Scrolls 6. November 11, 2026, will mark exactly fifteen years since Skyrim was released. Since Skyrim has already been re-released and updated multiple times, the best way to celebrate its fifteenth anniversary may be with the release of the next game in the Elder Scrolls series. November 11 would be the perfect date for Skyrim to finally pass the torch to The Elder Scrolls 6.

The Elder Scrolls 6 still needs to go through several phases before release, but there's hope that it could still make its best possible release date. Although it's only one of the decisions Bethesda must make about Elder Scrolls 6, the game's release date is nonetheless an important one. November 11 is an important date for The Elder Scrolls series thanks to Skyrim, and marking the game's 15th anniversary with Elder Scrolls 6 would be a fitting tribute.

elder scrolls 6
The Elder Scrolls 6

PC , Xbox (Original)
Bethesda Game Studios
Bethesda Softworks