To say that The Elder Scrolls 6 won't be coming out for a while might be a bit of an understatement. Bethesda Softworks still has to get Starfield out of the way before fans even have a chance of hearing about further developments. However, the wait for the long-awaited sequel to The Elder Scrolls franchise might not be as bad as it seems.

The Elder Scrolls 6's far off release date could actually bring some positives to the game as a whole. These benefits may not be immediately obvious, especially considering the more painfully noticeable reality of the long wait. Regardless, the game stands to benefit from having a release date that is far into the future in many ways.

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The Wait for The Elder Scrolls 6 Might Be Worth It

The Elder Scrolls 6 Skyrim Archer-1

As mentioned before, Bethesda Softworks wants to get Starfield out of the way before The Elder Scrolls 6. After all, it is set to become one its biggest IPs, standing next to The Elder Scrolls and Fallout franchises. But that isn't only the only reason the game won't be coming out for a while. Now that Bethesda Softworks is part of Microsoft, it may be working with in tandem to ensure that The Elder Scrolls 6 doesn't have too close of a release date with another game under the Microsoft family, such as Avowed. With that said, these same aspects that delay its release could also work to further improve various features of The Elder Scrolls 6.

For example, Bethesda Softworks has been known for its use for The Creation Engine for games like Fallout 4 and The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. Starfield itself will be making use of a modified and updated form of this engine, aptly known as The Creation Engine 2. It is possible that this engine could also be used for The Elder Scrolls 6. Having more time as well as the entirety of Starfield to further work the kinks out of this engine would only bring benefits. After all, The Elder Scrolls 6 wouldn't want a repeat of the infamously buggy nature Skyrim had. Not only that, but the release of other games could also assist in The Elder Scrolls 6 development.

Though Avowed and The Elder Scrolls 6 could potentially share a lot of gameplay elements, The Elder Scrolls 6 stands to benefit if it releases after it. If this turns out to be the case, Bethesda Softworks could take a look at what Avowed does well and what it does poorly in order to properly gauge what fans prefer. This could help further refine the vision for the game, while also helping the developer avoid possible pitfalls. It would also provide a more updated view on what fans love about games like The Elder Scrolls 6, which is hugely important considering the fact that the most recent installment to the mainline series, Skyrim, came out over a decade ago.

But most importantly of all, the span of time between now and its release also allows for there to be a greater build up of anticipation. For example, the rumored The Elder Scrolls TV show could help lead into the next game, but would require a bit of time to be made. The Elder Scrolls Online could also dedicate a chapter or DLC to help promote the release of the game, something that would also need to be done well in advance. Considering it will be the return of mainline installments of a nearly 3-decade old franchise, its return is going to need to make a big splash.

Though almost next to nothing is known about The Elder Scrolls 6' release date, that hasn't stopped the hype train for it one bit. Hopefully once it releases, it will be able to meet the expectations it has been building for over a decade.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is currently in development.

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