
  • Skyrim's Civil War could have an impact on the Elder Scrolls 6, focusing on Hammerfell's politics.
  • The Redguards' conflict with the Aldmeri Dominion may decide Tamriel's future.
  • The Elder Scrolls 6 could shift Tamriel's political landscape by involving player decisions.

Skyrim's central plot concerned the Dragonborn as they faced the World-Eater, Alduin, but it had another concurrent plot that ran parallel to this story. Solving the Civil War crisis in Skyrim is instrumental to completing Skyrim's main plot, a feat that involves understanding the history and politics of Skyrim and Tamriel as a whole. The Elder Scrolls 6 is likely to move its focus to one of Skyrim's neighbors, Hammerfell, and there are indications that it won't be leaving the political threads found in Skyrim behind.

Clues to Hammerfell's current political situation can be found in Skyrim, and they all lead towards greater unrest in the nation. The Elder Scrolls 6 may address the plot points that Skyrim planted. If The Elder Scrolls 6 does follow the path that Skyrim set for Hammerfell's politics, it could mean that the fall or triumph of the Aldmeri Dominion could finally be decided.

The Elder Scrolls 6 May Be at a Crossroads With Its Setting

A location could shape the next epic journey in The Elder Scrolls 6 as the franchise navigates crucial choices for its setting and gameplay evolution.

The Possible Plot of The Elder Scrolls 6 Seen in Skyrim's Redguards

The politics of Hammerfell are complex, as it's a vast nation with a different culture from the rest of Tamriel. Another complication is its independence from the Empire because of Hammerfell's refusal to comply with the White-Gold Concordat, which demanded that the Empire cede the southern part of Hammerfell to the Thalmor. As a result, Hammerfell is an independent nation that stands on its own against the Aldmeri Dominion and is on bad terms with the Empire after Emperor Titus II renounced Hammerfell as a province.

The Skyrim quest, In My Time of Need, gives more insight into the politics of Hammerfell. A party of Alik'r warriors is on the hunt for a Redguard woman who has fled to Skyrim. Once found, she claims that she spoke out against the Aldmeri Dominion, who then hired the Alik'r warriors to assassinate her. If investigated further, the Alik'r warriors verify that the woman actually leaked valuable information to the Thalmor, leading to the fall of Taneth, a city in Hammerfell. Her actions led to the unification of several Redguard houses to band together and hire Alik'r warriors to capture the woman and return her to Hammerfell for trial.

The Elder Scrolls 6 May Decide The Future of Tamriel

This quest in particular shows the tensions that Hammerfell has with the Aldmeri Dominion. Despite the Treaty of Stros M'kai, which officially ended hostilities between Hammerfell and the Aldmeri Dominion, there still appears to be a significant amount of active conflict between the two entities. The implications of In My Time of Need indicate that there are factions in Hammerfell that support the Aldmeri Dominion, while the rest of Hammerfell opposes it.

If this is the case, The Elder Scrolls 6 may have Hammerfell become the battleground for the end of the Aldmeri Dominion or, at least, the beginning of its decline. The Redguards haven't surrendered any of their land to the Altmer and, in lieu of the Empire, continue to be the only nation actively opposing the Thalmor. The Elder Scrolls 6 may see a major shift in the political landscape of Tamriel, either towards the Aldmeri Dominion, the independent provinces, or back towards an independent Empire. In the best case, the player should be able to take an active role in deciding the future of Tamriel.