The Elder Scrolls 6 is still a long way from release, and in fact, isn't expected to launch until the next-generation consoles arrive at the earliest. However, Bethesda has recently touched on some of the technology it's utilizing to bring the game to life, and how it will potentially be a leap forward for the franchise - at least from a graphics standpoint.

As detailed at PAX East 2019, Bethesda will be using photogrammetry to scan real-world 3D environments and people into its future games in an attempt to make them look more realistic. This should address some concerns about Bethesda's aging game engine it uses for its flagship titles, and should go a long way in ensuring that The Elder Scrolls 6 has much better graphics than its predecessors.

Bethesda has already given us one example of how the photogrammetry tech is being put to use in The Elder Scrolls 6. It was also revealed at PAX East that Shirley Curry, known as the Skyrim Grandma on YouTube, has been scanned-in and will be featured as an NPC that players can visit in The Elder Scrolls 6.

The reveal that The Elder Scrolls 6 is using photogrammetry technology is one of the first concrete details that fans have about what the game will entail. Everything else is based largely on speculation. For example, a trademark dispute Bethesda's currently entangled in has led some to believe that The Elder Scrolls 6 will be set in Redfall, but that has yet to be officially confirmed or denied by anyone involved.

the elder scrolls 6 will scan in real world people and environments

Unfortunately for those hoping to learn more about The Elder Scrolls 6 at E3 this year, Bethesda has already confirmed that the game won't be at the show. Neither The Elder Scrolls 6 nor Starfield will be at E3, leaving many to wonder what exactly Bethesda will be showing off at this year's event.

Since The Elder Scrolls 6 is likely years away from launch, with some estimates pegging it for a 2021 release at the earliest, it's no surprise that the game is skipping E3 2019. But perhaps Elder Scrolls fans can count on seeing The Elder Scrolls 6 in action at E3 2020, as the next-gen consoles from Sony and Microsoft will likely have been revealed by then.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development for unspecified platforms.

Source: Techspot