
  • The Elder Scrolls 6 may receive a new trailer in 2024, possibly to show progress or share news about the game's development.
  • The release of Starfield and its lukewarm reception may push Bethesda to showcase how it is applying lessons learned to The Elder Scrolls 6.
  • However, there are reasons to believe that The Elder Scrolls 6 may not have any major updates or trailers in 2024, including Bethesda's regret for revealing the game too early and the potential impact on future updates for Starfield.

With December 2023 giving Grand Theft Auto fans a small taste of what GTA 6 will be like through a trailer also including a release window of 2025, it's only natural that players of The Elder Scrolls titles want to see a little something of the next big, highly-anticipated installment of the series. The Elder Scrolls 6 was revealed all the way back in 2018 with a very short teaser trailer that would leave everyone hanging for a long time, as no official news came about Bethesda's RPG since that day. There has been some news regarding The Elder Scrolls 6 in recent years, but they were all tied to other big Xbox releases, such as the next Fable. Things can change in 2024, and a new TES 6 trailer may be on the way.

It's worth noting that Starfield is still in the works at Bethesda in the form of updates every six weeks and a DLC called Shattered Space, and only recently did The Elder Scrolls 6 go into early development. What this means is that, even if there are updates for fans to check in 2024, the game will most likely be closer to 2030 in terms of release than anything else.

There's One Release Date The Elder Scrolls 6 Should Steer Clear Of

While it is still unclear when the long-awaited The Elder Scrolls 6 will launch, there’s one release date that Bethesda should avoid at all costs.

What Fans Can Expect From Bethesda's TES 6 in 2024

Why A The Elder Scrolls 6 Trailer or News Update is Likely to Happen in 2024

One of the big reasons why The Elder Scrolls 6 might get a new trailer sooner rather than later is that the original is rapidly approaching its sixth anniversary in June. Although Bethesda has not confirmed anything for 2024, it would make sense for the developer to at least show something for its most anticipated title now. Another option would be for Bethesda to share something about TES 6 - be it some news regarding its development, a hype-inducing video of developers talking about the game, or even some kind of official statement.

There is another reason why giving The Elder Scrolls 6 a bit of time in the limelight in 2024 would be a good choice, and that's because Starfield didn't exactly land with overwhelmingly positive reviews, but rather it wasn't even nominated as a Game of the Year candidate at The Game Awards. TES 6 is not going to be Starfield as much as Starfield is not going to be another Skyrim, and it's important for Bethesda to show it's learning lessons from its recent title and applying them to its next big project. Lastly, it can be somewhat problematic for games to go radio-silent for too long, and Bethesda has a chance to do something about it.

Why A The Elder Scrolls 6 Trailer is Unlikely to Happen in 2024

On the other hand, there are also reasons why players should expect very little from The Elder Scrolls 6 in 2024 if they can expect anything at all. As much as it would make sense to share something about TES 6 after Starfield's reception, one could argue that it would be even wiser not to do that in order not to hinder a possible resurgence of the game when Shattered Space does launch or the various 6-week updates pop up. After all, there is a chance that what happened with Cyberpunk 2077 could happen again for Starfield, although the games and their starting points are very different.

What is probably the biggest reason The Elder Scrolls 6 could yet again be a no-show in 2024 is that Bethesda's own Todd Howard regrets revealing TES 6 so early. While the counterargument would be that then the best course of action is to reveal something about the game, it's equally likely (if not more probable) that 2024 will be a quiet year for the beloved fantasy RPG franchise. In fact, Bethesda might be keeping its cards even closer to its chest now, and a 2024 trailer for The Elder Scrolls 6 could be once more too early compared to when the game is supposedly coming out.