With Starfield releasing early in 2023, fans could learn more about The Elder Scrolls 6 late next year…perhaps. Despite being announced in 2018, The Elder Scrolls 6 is still reportedly in the earliest stages of development, as Bethesda focuses on the upcoming release of Starfield. It is also slated to receive DLC, and the earliest fans could really expect the Elder Scrolls game to release is 2025. It’s likely to be after that, at this point.

So, it’s possible that nothing is learned for a few years. Bethesda did say there would be no Elder Scrolls 6 news until after Starfield’s release, and well, hopefully, something comes out relatively soon thereafter. Nonetheless, that hasn’t stopped fan speculation on the title, which many believe takes place in Hammerfell and High Rock.

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The Elder Scrolls 6 is unlikely to heavily feature dragons, if for no other reason than the lore and their heavy association with Skyrim. The game needs some sort of main enemy, though, and perhaps the most interesting route it could take is tied to the Dwemer Constructs left behind by the mysterious civilization.

The Elder Scrolls: Dwemer and Hammerfell

Prior to the arrival of the Redguards, Dwemer heavily occupied Hammerfell. They were spread across several provinces, with the capital said to be in Morrowind. Some have argued that it was actually in Hammerfell, or perhaps there was another major city among small Dwemer civilizations. Either way, they had a heavy presence in Hammerfell.

Now, The Elder Scrolls is never likely to reveal the entire mystery surrounding the Dwemer’s disappearance. It is like Yoda’s race in Star Wars – the entire mystery and unique qualities of Yoda and the few members seen of his race make its existence all the more enticing. But with Hammerfell littered with Dwemer ruins, potentially more so than Skyrim or other provinces, these Constructs would make great primary enemies.

The Elder Scrolls: The Dwemer Constructs Rise Up

dwemer elder scrolls skyrim featured

It’s not that Dwemer Constructs would be new, though, as many have been fought across several titles. There could be new constructs, though, and it wouldn’t have to be limited to the underground. The Dwemer disappeared during their war with the Chimer, but the race left behind ruins, machines, and more. It stands to reason that they left behind thus-unseen war machines that could take to the surface, perhaps under the guidance of someone using Dwemer tech to wage war on the surface.

How this could happen doesn’t matter much, and this is entirely fun speculation. It may not happen whatsoever. But to face off against giants that trump other Dwemer tech, massive war machines, and perhaps sieges by machines against Hammerfell cities in The Elder Scrolls 6 sound like a lot of fun. Perhaps there is some machine in the works that need to be completed, and its completion would change the very landscape of Tamriel forever. Again, all in good fun, but Bethesda has barely scratched the surface when it comes to Dwemer possibilities.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development.

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