The Elder Scrolls 6 is one of the most anticipated releases that the video game industry has ever seen. Given the intense prior success of the franchise combined with the fact it has not received a new mainline entry in over a decade, the amount of attention and expectation that is being placed on the title is understandably massive.

With this in mind, it is no wonder that fans are attempting to learn as much about The Elder Scrolls 6 as they possibly can from what little official promotional material exists of the game. Many assume that the release will boldly be set within the large province of Hammerfell, and this particular area of Tamriel has a fascinating history involving the mysterious race of the Dwemer which would likely play a massive role within a Hammerfell-set Elder Scrolls 6.

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The Elder Scrolls 6's Potential Hammerfell Setting

Taneth Hammerfell

The setting of Elder Scrolls games is a massively integral aspect of the franchise, with the history and contemporary state of a province largely shaping the core motifs and involved narratives of a given title. Most mainline Elder Scrolls games go as far as being named after the areas they are set within, giving further credence to the sheer importance of a TES title's setting.

Hammerfell is a province that has been largely unexplored within the franchise, at least within its more contemporary titles, leading many to believe that The Elder Scrolls 6 will be set within the area. To further bolster this claim, many point to Hammerfell's huge size as being the perfect location for a game of the likely scale and ambition that TES 6 will boast. The only official promotional footage of The Elder Scrolls 6 comes from its 2018 announcement video, with many also thinking that the location portrayed within the teaser matches the geography of Hammerfell quite well.

The Elder Scrolls 6 Hammerfell's Dwemer Connections

Art of a Dwemer construct in Elder Scrolls

The province of Hammerfell is associated with The Elder Scrolls' Redguard race, who colonized the location following the mysterious destruction of their home continent of Yokuda. Despite the long-time occupation of Hammerfell by the Redguard, the province was originally populated by the powerful Dwemer.

An elf-like race, the Dwemer were one of the oldest races to populate the continent of Tamriel, dating back to the earliest records of the location's history. Crucially, the Dwemer's high level of technological and societal advancement made them stand out, and they possessed skill and knowledge far beyond even the most contemporary understanding of the continent's inhabitants.

Following a bloody conflict with the other first races to settle in Tamriel, the Dwemer decided to settle in what is now modern-day Hammerfell, littering the province with advanced cities and settlements. Fascinatingly, during the Battle of Red Mountain, towards the end of the First Era, the Dwemer mysteriously disappeared entirely, with this event being a hugely debated element of Tamriel's history to this day.

The only existing elements of Dwemer society following this were their abandoned cities, which quickly fell victim to looters and invading races that filled the vacuum left by the now-absent Dwemer population. These cities were sensibly used by the Redguard following their inhabitance of the province over 100 years after the Dwemer's disappearance, with many Redguard locations within Hammerfell having direct ties to the location's original Dwemer population. Of course, the Redguard would go on for many Eras to shape a long and storied history within Hammerfell, but the legacy of the Dwemer remains to be an undeniably fascinating element of the province.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is currently in development.

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