The Elder Scrolls 6 is one of the most hotly anticipated releases across the entire gaming space at the moment, with fans now waiting over a decade for a new franchise title. As many will know, an Elder Scrolls game is entirely tied to the location it is primarily set within, in terms of the plot and factions that feature.

With many hypothesizing that the province of Hammerfell will be the location of choice for The Elder Scrolls 6, the geopolitical tensions and captivating factions that could be conveyed and explored are numerous. One of the most interesting factions that might feature in The Elder Scrolls 6, should it be set in Hammerfell, is the Red Sails faction.

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The Elder Scrolls 6: Hammerfell - The Red Sails Faction

elder scrolls red sails

The Red Sails faction is a group of organized pirates operating primarily out of the province of Cyrodiil. Getting their namesake from the trademark crimson of their sails, the Red Sails have grown to be an established and influential group, capable of altering geopolitical lines and defying Imperial rule.

More specifically, the Red Sails group operate upon the sea of Cyrodiil's Gold Coast, with the Gold Coast being the only sliver of land in the province's south-west that is not land-locked. The Red Sails are led by the flamboyant Fortunata ap Dugal, who styles herself as a Governor due to her high-ranking role within the pirate faction. At the height of their influence and power, the Red Sails faction seized control of the Gold Coast of Cyrodiil and the important settlements and strongholds that it encompasses, claiming the coast to be an independent nation led by the Red Sails.

During their rule over the Gold Coast region, the Red Sails claimed ownership of the important settlement of Anvil, which featured heavily in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. Fortunata ap Duga resided in Anvil Castle at this time, keeping wild lions within the walls for her own twisted entertainment. The Red Sails claim over the coast was of course met with opposition, with Count Carolus Aquilarios of Kvatch famously opposing Fortunata in what would become a bloody conflict.

Why the Red Sails Faction Could Appear in The Elder Scrolls 6: Hammerfell

bethesda tes6 speculation

The most overt reason that suggests that the Red Sails could appear in The Elder Scrolls 6 is the close geographical proximity between Cyrodiil's Gold Coast and the province of Hammerfell. The Red Sails feature within the popular MMO The Elder Scrolls Online, where their conquest over the Gold Coast is detailed thoroughly. Within the game, the Red Sails quest-line finishes with Fortunata ap Duga dying via an act of treachery, leaving the Red Sails without a leader and without the security of their new-found territory.

In this way, it is likely that the Red Sails will be forced to leave the Gold Coast, which can be followed easily up to the bordering coast of southern Hammerfell. Predictably continuing their pattern of plunder and geographical land-grabs, the Red Sails could feature within The Elder Scrolls 6 by wreaking havoc across the coast of Hammerfell, spurring the protagonist into action to quell the pirate threat. While it is of course currently unknown whether the Red Sails faction will feature in The Elder Scrolls 6, the relative recency in which the group featured within The Elder Scrolls Online, combined with the geographical proximity of the group to Hammerfell, does boost the likelihood that they will feature in the title quite significantly.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is currently in development.

MORE: The Elder Scrolls 6: Hammerfell's Most Important Locations Explained