Most Elder Scrolls fans are anxiously awaiting the release of the next installment of the franchise, The Elder Scrolls 6. While very little information has been confirmed about where the game will be located, some players believe that the game will take place in Hammerfell. While others assume that the match might occur in High Rock or across multiple regions of Tamriel, there are quite a few reasons to explore the desert landscape and the home of The Elder Scroll's Redguards.Skyrim players can encounter Redguards hailing directly from Hammerfell in the base game, for example.

In the Skyrim quest In My Time of Need, The Last Dragonborn encounters two Alik'r warriors searching for Saadia, a Redguard woman who is a noblewoman of the House Suda. During the quest, the player gets a window into the culture of the Redguard, as they can interact with a crew of Redguard warriors who had traveled from the Alik'r Desert, the largest desert in all of Tamriel. Between the glimpses of Hammerfell in Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls: Blades, players can get a hint at what the core armor and weapon sets might look like in The Elder Scrolls 6.

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Weapon Sets That Could Be Found In ES6's Hammerfell

Thankfully, Hammerfell has made countless appearances in past Elder Scrolls games, starting with The Elder Scrolls: Arena through The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall's setting. The location is home to the Redguard, a group of people who originally hail from the lost continent of Yokuda. The Redguard are known to be naturally skilled warriors with incredible mental and physical fortitude due to the harsh desert ecosystem. In The Elder Scrolls: Blades, the Alik'r have a general distaste towards magic, focusing their combat style on melee and martial weapons, with the occasional splash of destruction and alternation spells.

The easiest way to predict possible weapon sets is to look at the "Redguard Style" introduced in The Elder Scrolls: Blades. While this is a crafting motif that can change the look of specific armor and weapon sets, they give players an idea of what Elder Scrolls developer Bethesda has in mind when it comes to representing the culture of Hammerfell. The weapons available in the Alik'r desert include scimitars, curved axes, large mauls, ornate spears, and more. There also appears to be an emphasis on dual-wielding, alluding to the possibility of innovating on TheElder Scroll's combat system through specialized martial weapon techniques.

Armor Sets That Might Be Available In ES6's Hammerfell

When thinking about armor sets, players could find clues in the real-world combat history of ancient African civilizations, as the developers may have taken inspiration from those groups in the creation of The Elder Scroll's Hammerfell. To combat the sweltering heat of the desert, ancient Egyptians wore very little armor; when they did, it was mainly leather or cloth tunics with metal or bronze scale plating. This would do away with Skyrim's Nordic-style heavy furs and plate armor, replacing it with breathable, adaptable armor sets.

Looking at Elder Scrolls' lore, the Redguard appear to follow similar cultural norms, dressed in cloth and leather armor. Some warriors wear thick robes that cover their bodies, with leather and metal plating that resembled shoulder epaulets for additional protection. Players can also look to The Elder Scrolls: Blades, where multiple armor sets are unique to the Alik'r Desert, and even a Redguard customization motif. The motif includes the "Sword-dancer" and "Sword-singer" sets, both containing a style that is a cross between heightened fantasy and a call-back to ancient warfare, which The Elder Scrolls 6 would be perfect for if it did explore Hammerfell as a region.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is currently in development.

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